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Chapter 4 Statement of Overriding Conslderatlons <br />Climate Change <br />Impact4.13-1 Long-term cumulative development pursuant to the Transit Zoning Code at full <br />build-out would result in significant localized air quality in-tpacts for operational <br />lei=el emissions. As a whole, this impact is significant for operational emissions <br />due to the size of the Transit Zoning Code (SD 84) area. <br />Impact 4.13-2 Long-term cumulati~'e de~'elopment pursuant to the Transit Zoning Code at full <br />build-out has the potential to conflict with AI3 32. The Project as a whole is <br />significant for operational emissions due to the size of the Transit Zoning Code <br />(SD 84) area. <br />Short-Term Impacts <br />Of the sixteen significant una~=oidable impacts directl}' attributable to the Proposed Project and <br />associated cumulative impacts, as identified aboc=e, Four would be classified as short-term. These short- <br />term impacts are related to construction activities and their temporary effect on air quality and <br />groundborne vibration. Once the various construction projects arc complete, these impacts would no <br />longer exist. <br />Long-Term Impacts <br />Of the sixteen significant unarm=oidable impacts directly attributable to the Proposed Project and <br />associated cumulative impacts, as identified abo~=e, twelve of the aforementioned impacts are considered <br />long-term. <br />4.3 OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS <br />The Agenc}' hereb}= finds that economic, legal, social, technological or other benefits of the Dew=elopes <br />Project outweigh the sigtfcant and uua~=oidable impacts identified in the EIR. In making this Ending, <br />the Agenc}' has balanced the benefits of the Developer Project against its unavoidable significant impacts <br />and has indicated its willingness to accept those ad~'erse impacts. The Agency finds that the following <br />benefits of the Developer Project warrant appro~'al of the Developer Project not~i~ithstanding its <br />significant, unavoidable environmental impacts. <br />'t'he objectives of the Deg=elopes Proposal component of the Proposed Project for the Agency=-owned <br />properties are to: <br />~ Redevelop all of the Agenc}'-owned properties <br />~ Provide new affordable housing For families in futaherance of the City's affordable housing goals <br />established in the Housing Element, the Implementation Plan For the Santa Ana Merged <br />Rede~=elopment Project Area, and the Cit}' of Santa Ana Consolidated Plan <br />~ Enhance the streeiscape and urban form of the area, particularly along Santa Ana Boulevard, with <br />the construction of new buildings that meet the standards contained in the 'Iiansit Zoning Code <br />and that support future transit planning <br />~2 so~u~iont~l~li~~f10-024 <br />Page 90 of 130 <br />4-4 Transit Zoning Code (SD 84) EIR Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />