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Chapter 3 Flndings Regard/ng Protect A/ternatlves <br />In light of these considerations, the Agency rejects this alternative as infeasible. <br />3.4.3 Findings on Alternatives that were Considered but Eliminated <br />from Detailed Analysis in the Draft EIR <br />In addition to the six alternatives evaluated in the Draft EIR, the Lead Agency considered two other <br />alternatives, both of which it eliminated from detailed analysis in the EIR either because it did not meet <br />most of the basic project objectives, would not reduce or avoid significant impacts of the project as <br />proposed, and/or is not feasible. These alternatives are discussed below. <br />~ Alternative Site <br />This alternative would use an alternative site from that proposed fox the Transit Zoning Code and <br />Developer projects. <br />Findings <br />The Agency hereby finds that specific economic, legal, social, technological ox other considerations make <br />the adoption of an Alternative Site alternative infeasible. The Transit Zoning Code is designed to guide <br />development near existing and planned transit and is therefore dependant on the location described for <br />the proposed project. An alternative site for the Transit Zoning Code project would not locate <br />development or provide the framework fox development near existing or planned transit infrastructure. <br />Therefore, it would not be able to fulfill the basic project objectives of providing a transit-supportive, <br />pedestrian-oriented development framework to support the addition of new transit infrastructure, nor <br />would it encourage alternative modes of transportation, or increase access to the rail system that <br />connects San Diego to Los Angeles. Failure to meet these key project objectives renders an alternative <br />site infeasible. <br />It would also be infeasible to develop the proposed Developer Project in an alternative location. <br />Currently the Redevelopment Agency owns a cluster of parcels in the proposed project area and is <br />considering the acquisition of other properties in the vicinity of these Agency-owned parcels. The <br />proposed Developer Project is designed and proposed to redevelopment these specific properties. It <br />would not be practical or feasible to abandon plans for these parcels and begin new future acquisitions <br />elsewhere, and doing so would fail to meet most of the basic project objectives of the Developer Project. <br />Specifically, an alternative location would not result in redevelopment of the Agency-owned properties, <br />would not enhance the streetscape and urban form of the area, particularly along Santa Ana Boulevard, <br />with the construction of new buildings that meet the standards contained in the Transit Zoning Code <br />and that support future transit planning, and would not provide an economically viable redevelopment <br />scenario for the Agency-owned properties. Further, comparable parcels within the entire Transit Zoning <br />Code are limited by proposed future uses and incompatible existing surrounding uses. Therefore, the <br />proposed site of the Developer Project is the only feasible location for this redevelopment project. <br />3-14 Transit Zoning Code (SD 84) EIR Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />