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Chapter 3 Findings Regarding Protect A/ternatives <br />(Refer to DEIR, Appendix D.) Table 4.4-1 lists all properties listed on the SARHP that could be <br />impacted by the proposed Transit Zoiiiiig Code, and Figure 4.4-1 shows all of these properties on <br />a map of the Transit Zoning Code area and the surrounding areas. <br />The EIR then identifies Mitigation Measure MM4.4-3 to reduce impacts to historic resources <br />throughout the Transit Zoning Code Area. This measure would require a qualified professional to <br />conduct site specific historical resource investigations for future developments within the project <br />area that would demolish or otherwise physically affect buildings or structures 50 years old or older <br />ar affect their historic setting. <br />~ Proposed Mitigation Measure. Preserve historic properties in the Lacy Neighborhood. (See <br />Final EIR Chapter 3 (Responses to Comments), Letter from Jeff Dickman QD), comment JD-28.) <br />Finding. The Agency fords that specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other <br />considerations make this mitigation measure infeasible. <br />Rationale. There are a very limited number of designated historic resources in the Lacy <br />Neighborhood (see Draft EIR Figure 4.4-1 [Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties within the <br />Transit Zoning Code Axea]), and the neighborhood itself has not been designated as historic. <br />Mitigation measure MM4.4-3 would reduce impacts to historic resources throughout the Transit <br />Zoning Code Area to the extent feasible. Preservation of all historic properties in the I acy <br />Neighborhood is not feasible because it may inhibit the City's ability to meet its affordable housing <br />goals. Construction of affordable housing units is critical to meeting the City's Regional Housing <br />Needs Assessment (RHNA) for 2006-2014, and the City has an adopted policy to "maximize <br />affordable housing on Agency-owned properties that is of high quality, sustainable, and available to <br />various income levels." (See Santa Ana Housing Element [2006-2014], Policy HE-2.8.) <br />Additionally, preservation of certain properties within the Lacy Neighborhood may inhibit the <br />City's ability to "encourage the construction of rental housing for Santa Ana's residents and <br />woxkfarce, including a commitment to very low, low and moderate income residents and moderate <br />income Santa Ana workers" (Policy HE-23) and to fulfill its policy to "facilitate and encourage a <br />diversity and range in types, prices, and sizes of housing, including single-family homes, <br />apartments, town homes, mixed/multiuse housing, transit-oriented developments, and live/work <br />housing" (Policy HE-2.4). (See Santa Ana Housing Element [2006-2014].) <br />Further, preservation of all historic properties within the Lacy Neighborhood would be <br />inconsistent with the objectives of the proposed Developer Project to "redevelop all of the <br />Agency-owned properties" and "provide new affordable housing fox families in furtherance of the <br />City's affordable housing goals established in the Housing Element, the Implementation Plan for <br />the Santa Ana Merged Redevelopment Project Area, and the City of Santa Ana Consolidated <br />Plan." <br />~ Proposed Mitigation Measure. In-place rehabilitation, residential and business re-use, and/ox <br />relocation of historic properties to vacant land within the Lacy Neighborhood. (See Final EIR <br />Chapter 3 (Responses to Comments), Letter from Jeff Dickman QD), comments JD-34, 38.) <br />Finding. The Agency fords that specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other <br />considerations make this mitigation measure infeasible. <br />Rationale. Funding fox development of the Agency-owned properties within the Lacy <br />Neighborhood is contingent upon these funds being spent on residential uses. Therefore, use of <br />these funds for non-residential adaptive re-use is prohibited. Accordingly, commercial re-use of <br />historic properties on the Agency-owned parcels within the Lacy Neighborhood is legally <br />infeasible. <br />Transit Zoning Code (SD 84) EIR Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Considerations 3-17 <br />