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Chapter 3 F/ndings Regarding Protect AlternatIves <br />Additionally, in-place rehabilitation and/or relocation and rehabilitation of properties proposed fox <br />demolition on Agency-owned parcels witlu:i the Lacy Neighborhood axe evaluated in Recirculated <br />Draft EIR (Chapter 5.0). Specifically, Alternative 4 would eliminate the demolition of the <br />structures currently existing on the Agency-owned properties and/or identified fox acquisition, and <br />would instead require that those properties be retained and rehabilitated in their current locations. <br />Alternative 5 would reduce the demolition of properties owned by the Redevelopment Agency <br />and/or identified for acquisition, and would instead require that those properties be rehabilitated, <br />either in-place or off-site, with the exception of the property at 611 N. Minter Street, which would <br />be demolished. Alternative 6 would retain and rehabilitate the bungalow court located at 611 N. <br />Minter Street; however, the remainder of the structures located on the Agency-owned parcels <br />would be demolished. Please see Chapter SA for additional details about these Alternatives. <br />~ Proposed Mitigation. Creation of a community park within the Lacy Neighborhood by taking <br />the following actions: <br />>Close a portion of Sixth Street between Porter and Lacy. Relocate 3 of the vintage houses on the <br />south side of Sixth Street to other vacant land on Fifth Street. <br />>Build a single row of new housing along the south side of Santa Ana Blvd. Use the remainder of <br />the land south of this single row of new housing to create another segiiient of the park. <br />>Acquire 617 E. Sixth for park purposes. Salvage the wood components from this structure before <br />demolition. <br />>Preserve in place 701 and 713 E. Fifth Street. <br />(See Final EIR Chapter 3 (Responses to Comments), Letter from Jeff Dickman (JD), comment <br />JD-39.) <br />Finding. The Agency Finds that specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other <br />considerations make this mitigation measure infeasible. <br />Rationale. Closing a partion of Sixth Street between Porter and Lacy is not feasible because it <br />would severely litzzit future transit planning within the City and would be inconsistent with the <br />Transit Zoning Code objective of "providing a transit-supportive, pedestrian-oriented <br />development framework to support the addition of new transit infrastructure." Further, street <br />closures are, in general, counter to the policies and design standards contained within the proposed <br />Transit Zoning Code. Maintaining a Fine-grained, gridded street network allows for increased <br />pedestrian and vehicular accessibility which serves to disperse traffic throughout the area. In <br />addition, maintaining the existing street grid allows for greater opportunities for future <br />transportation alignments. <br />Similarly, building a single row of new housing along the south side of Santa Ana Blvd. and using <br />the remainder of the land south of this single row of new housing to create another segment of the <br />suggested park is infeasible because it would be inconsistent with the Developer Project objective <br />of "enhancing the streetscape and urban form of the area, particularly along Santa Ana Boulevard, <br />with the construction of new buildings that meet the standards contained in the Transit Zo:iitig <br />Code and that support future transit planning." <br />It would also result in the loss of units that would otherwise be rented to low, very-low and <br />extremely-low income households. Construction of affordable housing units is critical to meeting <br />the City's Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) for 2006-2014, and the loss of such units <br />would be inconsistent with the City's adopted policy to "maximize affordable housing on Agency- <br />owned properties that is of high quality, sustainable, and available to various income levels." (See <br />Santa Ana Housing Element [2006-2014], Policy HE-2.8.) Additionally, the loss of affordable <br />3-18 Transit Zoning Code (SD 84) EIR Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />