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CHAPTER 4 Statement of Overriding <br />Considerations <br />4.1 INTRODUCTION <br />If a project that a Responsible Agency decides to carry out, finance or approve will have significant <br />effects which are identified in the final EIR but are not avoided or substantially lessened, it shall make <br />the findings described in Section 15093 of the CEQA guidelines, which states: <br />(a) CEQA requires the decision-making agency to balance, as applicable, the economic, legal, social, <br />technological, ox other benefits of a proposed project against its unavoidable environmental risks <br />when determining whether to approve the project. If the specific economic, legal, social, <br />technological, or other benefits of a proposed project outweigh the unavoidable adverse <br />environmental effects, the adverse environmental effects may be considered "acceptable." <br />(b) When the lead agency approves a project which will result in the occurrence of significant effects <br />which are identified in the final EIR but are not avoided or substantially lessened, the agency shall <br />state in writing the specific reason to support its actions based on the final EIR and/or other <br />information in the record. The statement of overriding considerations shall be supported by <br />substantial evidence in the record. <br />(c) If an agency makes a statement of overriding considerations, the statement should be included in <br />the recard of the project approval and should be mentioned in the notice of determination. This <br />statement does not substitute for, and shall be in addition to, findings required pursuant to Section <br />15091. <br />This Statement of Overriding Considerations describes the anticipated economic, social, and other <br />benefits or other considerations of the Proposed Project to support the decision to proceed with the <br />project even though not all of the identified impacts are mitigated to aless-than-significant level. <br />4.2 UNAVOIDABLE SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACTS <br />Even with mitigation measures identified in the EIR fox the project, the following significant impacts axe <br />unavoidable because no feasible mitigation is available to further reduce the impacts to a less-than- <br />significant level. Refer to Chapter 2 (CEQA Findings) for further clarification regarding the impacts <br />listed below. <br />Aesthetics <br />Impact 4.1-5 Long-term cumulative development occurring pursuant to the Transit Zoning <br />Code (SD 84A and SD 84B) would result in a substantial increase in <br />shade/shadows over sensitive uses. <br />Cumulative As noted in the discussion fox Impact 4.1-5, new sources of increased shade <br />would Likely result from new development under the proposed Transit Zoiiiiig <br />Code (SD 84A and SD 84B). Since there is typically no feasible mitigation <br />available to reduce to less than significant or eliix~nate shading impacts, significant <br />Transit Zoning Code (SD 84) EIR Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Considerations 4-1 <br />