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Chapter 4 Statement of Overriding Conslderat/ons <br />and unavoidable shading impacts would result from the proposed Transit Zoning <br />Code (SD 84A and SD 84B). Cumulative development of additional medium- and <br />high-rise buildings would lead to additional shade impacts to various shade- <br />sensitive uses throughout the City. Therefore, cumulative shading impacts from <br />future projects in the Transit Village (1'V) and Downtown (DT) Zones <br />constructed pursuant to the Transit Zoning Code would make a considerable <br />contribution to this significant cumulative impact. <br />Air Qua/ity <br />Impact 4.2-5 Construction activities associated with the construction of individual projects <br />within the Transit Zoning Code area, including the Developer project, would <br />contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation for criteria <br />air pollutants. <br />Impact 4.2-G Operation of the proposed project would exceed South Coast Air Quality <br />Management District standards for VOC, NOX, CO, and PM,,, and would result <br />in a projected air quality violation. <br />Impact 4.2-7 Construction and operation of the proposed project would result in a <br /> cumulatively considerable net increase of criteria pollutants for which the <br /> proposed project region is in nonattainment under an applicable federal or state <br /> ambient air quality standard. <br />Cumulative As the Basin is currently in nonattainment fox ozone, CO, NOX, PM,~„ and PMz 5, <br /> cumulative development would violate an air quality standard or contribute to an <br /> existing or projected air quality violation. Therefore, this is considered to be a <br /> significant cumulative impact within the Basin. Construction under the proposed <br /> project would make a cumulatively considerable contribution to this significant <br /> impact. In addition, as discussed in Impact 4.2-G, operation at full buildout of the <br /> proposed project would result in quantities of air emissions that exceed the <br /> SCAQMD thresholds for VOC, NOX, CO, and PM,,,, and would create a <br /> cumulatively considerable contribution to this significant impact. <br />Cultural <br />Impact 4.4-3 The adoption of the Transit Zo:iiiig Code (SD 84A and SD 84B) would result in <br /> substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource as defined in <br /> Section 15064.5 of the CFQA Guidelines. <br />Cumulative The cumulative analysis for impacts on cultural and paleontological resources <br /> considers a broad regional system of which the resources are a part. The <br /> cumulative context for the cultural and paleontological resources analysis is <br /> Orange County as a whole- While the project impact analysis for cultural <br /> resources necessarily includes separate analyses for historic-period resources and <br /> archaeological resources, the cumulative analysis combines these resources into a <br /> single, non-renewable resource base and considers the additive effect of project- <br /> specific impacts to significant regional impacts on cultural resources. Because all <br /> cultural resources are unique and non-renewable members of £uute classes, all <br /> adverse effects or negative impacts erode a dwindling resource base. Federal, <br />4-2 Transit Zoning Code (SD 84) EIR Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />