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Chapter 4 Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />state, and local laws protect cultural resources in most instances. Even so, it is not <br />always feasible to protect cultural resources, particularly when preservation in <br />place would frustrate implementation of projects. Fox this reason, the cumulative <br />effects of development in the Orange County region are considered significant. <br />However, because it is currently infeasible to determine whether future <br />development under the proposed Transit Zoning Code would result in demolition <br />or removal of historical resources within the project boundaries, the project's <br />incremental contribution to these cumulative effects would be cumulatively <br />considerable (i.e., the project would contribute to the loss of historical resources <br />in Orange County). <br />Noise <br />Impact 4.8-8 Operation of the Southern California Regional Rail Authority's (SCRRA) rail line <br /> would potentially expose noise-sensitive land uses located within the Transit <br /> Zor~ing Code (SD 84A and SD 84B) area to noise levels that exceed the standards <br /> established by the City of Santa Ana General Plan. <br />Impact 4.8-9 Construction activities associated with the proposed project would generate or <br /> expose persons or structures to excessive ground borne vibration. <br />Cumulative Construction of individual projects pursuant to the Transit Zoning Code would <br /> produce temporary vibration impacts. As discussed in Impact 4.8-9, the <br /> construction vibration impact would be significant and unavoidable. As individual <br /> development projects under the Transit Zonit~g Code (SD 84A and SD 84B) area <br /> may be constructed concurrently with each other or other related projects, it is <br /> possible that intense construction from two or more projects would <br /> simultaneously occur at distances of 50 feet or less from existing nearby <br /> receptors. Therefore, vibration from future development would potentially <br /> combine with construction vibration of other projects to result in a potentially <br /> significant cumulative impact. <br />Cumulative The proposed project is located within close proximity to the Southern California <br /> Regional Rail Authority's (SCI2R_A) rail Line. Sensitive receptors, including <br /> residential uses with exterior uses such as communal areas consisting of pocket <br /> parks or pedestrian walkways and private balconies, may or may not be shielded <br /> from noise generated by railroad operations. As a result, noise levels within these <br /> areas may exceed the 65 dBA CNEL "Desirable Maximum" standard. <br />Transportation <br />Impact 4.11-9 Long-term cumulative development under implementation of the Transit Zoning <br /> Code would result in impacts related to freeway ramps in the vicinity of the <br /> Transit Zoning Code area. <br />Cumulative As identified in Impact 4.11-8, because implementation of the proposed project <br /> would contribute to significant impacts at the study area intersections, and <br /> because implementation of the potential improvement measures cannot be <br /> guaranteed, the long-term cumulative development pursuant to the Transit <br /> Zoning Code would have a considerable contribution to cumulative impacts. <br />Transit Zoning Code (SD 84) EIR Findings of FactfStatement of Overriding Considerations 4-3 <br />