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<br /> <br /> <br /> I X. LICENSES AND LAWS <br /> 2 A. CONTRACTOR, its officers, agents, employees and subcontractors shall, throughout the term <br /> 3 of this Agreement, maintain all necessary licenses, permits, approvals, certificates, waivers and <br /> 4 exemptions necessary for the provision of the services hereunder and required by the laws and <br /> 5 regulations of the United States, State of California, COUNTY, and any other applicable governmental <br /> 6 agencies. <br /> 7 B. CONTRACTOR shall comply with all laws, rules or regulations applicable to the services <br /> 8 provided hereunder, as any may now exist or be hereafter changed. These laws, rules and regulations <br /> 9 shall include, but not be limited to, the following: <br /> 10 1. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-87, Cost Principles for State and <br /> 1 1 Local Governments. <br /> 12 2. Federal Single Audit Act of 1984 (31 U.S.C.A. 7501.70). <br /> 13 3. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local <br /> 14 Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. <br /> 15 C. ENFORCEMENT OF CHILD SUPPORT OBLIGATIONS <br /> 16 1. CONTRACTOR agrees to furnish to ADMINISTRATOR within thirty (30) calendar days <br /> 17 of the award of this Agreement: <br /> 18 a. In the case of an individual contractor, his/her name, date of birth, social security <br /> 19 number, and residence address; <br /> 20 b. In the case of a contractor doing business in a form other than as an individual, the <br /> 21 name, date of birth, social security number, and residence address of each individual who owns an <br /> 22 interest often percent (10%) or more in the contracting entity; <br /> 23 c. A certification that CONTRACTOR has fully complied with all applicable federal and <br /> 24 state reporting requirements regarding its employees; <br /> 25 d. A certification that CONTRACTOR has fully complied with all lawfully served Wage <br /> 26 and Earnings Assignment Orders and Notices of Assignment, and will continue to so comply. <br /> 27 2. Failure of CONTRACTOR to timely submit the data and/or certifications required by <br /> 28 subparagraphs l.a., l.b., l.c., or l.d. above, or to comply with all federal and state employee reporting <br /> 29 requirements for child support enforcement, or to comply with all lawfully served Wage and Earnings <br /> 30 Assignment Orders and Notices of Assignment, shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement; and <br /> 31 failure to cure such breach within sixty (60) calendar days of notice from COUNTY shall constitute <br /> 32 grounds for termination of this Agreement. <br /> 33 3. It is expressly understood that this data will be transmitted to governmental agencies <br /> 34 charged with the establishment and enforcement of child support orders, or as permitted by federal <br /> 35 and/or state statute. <br /> 36 37 CITY OF SANTA ANA 11 of 17 <br /> X:\CONTRACTS - 2010-\2010-201 1 \M IH S\POD- PLAN-MASTER-10-1 1-BG. Doc SAN 13-MAPODO I M I KK 1 1 <br />