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11535 BUSINESS ANll PROFESSIONS CODE <br />ARTICI.1•: 3. SCOPI: OF R1:GL7LATION <br />Sec. <br />]7v;l:i° inapplicability of section ]l:~ai, subd. pl), to dit•i,fouti of realty created bs <br />short-tcrw ]costs of railroad ri~hl-of-w:ty ; cxccplion [XcaJ. <br />]l:rati.l Leninl of pcrntit ur nppro~•al for dc~•rlnpuuart If ccinU:u•y to public <br />health or safety; conditions (I\c~e(. <br />11:r:iS.° 1\otic•e of ~•iolation: effect [\cw]. <br />]liati.a Ccrtificah• of armplianct•: cunditiuus: effect [\cw(. <br />]1."111.2 Inapplicability of n•;:nl:triuns of land ~~~hich is not a tiubdl~•isiuu to short <br />tcnu Ic:tsca of railroad right-o[-tt:r~•; c~ccption (1t•t~•). <br />77,~afi. 1)cdicatiart of land or payment oC fees in lion thereof for park or rccmt-- <br />tioual purlwse ns condition precedent to appro~•:d of final mnp [Newf. <br />11.17. 1'ayntent of fees as cnnditiun to :tlrprot•al of final subdi~•isiou reap [Nets'[. <br />]]v-1S. Contract to rciurbur~e snbdi~~ider ur land dct•cloprr fur cost. of conslrnctimt <br />of bridl;c dcdirttcwl to public [\ctt•~. <br />1l:rlh. Charge un propcrh• tt~itbiu :u•ca of iurprucoumnt [\etv(. <br />7]:ila..r Grounds for dcuial of approt•al of suhdi~~isiun map [\ctt•]. <br />lt:r-I:1.G .~pprut~al of final ntap in substautiul cunrpliuncc with prct•ioosly upprot~ed <br />tcn[atire nutp [\ctr(. <br />]l:i-1p.7 City of Lus Anl;eles; dcui:d by adt•Isory at;cncy; nlrlreul Iwr:u'd on got•- <br />cruiut; body; fiudiu{;s (Actt•]. <br />ll.i~la•t~ City of Los An;:clcs; apprut'al of tcntalitr ud~•isury ul;cucy ur np- <br />peal board ; effect on action by t!ot•erning body (New). <br />3 11535. Subdivision; Inclusion and exclusion <br />(a) Subdivision; financing; leasing <br />(::) "Subdivision" rcfcr.~ to any real property, improtrd or unimproted, or portion <br />thereof, sbo~~~u un the latest ecru:dircd county asscssnu•nt roll as a twit or as con- <br />tir:uuns waits, tchich is dit~idcd fur the purpose of salq lease, or fiu:tucinl;, tt•hether <br />iruun•diutc ur future, by any snbdit•idcr into fire or more p:trc•cls; prut•ided, that <br />or simiL•n•. spare trititiu ;u:::p:u•nuent building, iudusu•i:d buildint', curana•rciul build- <br />ing, or trailcr• lr:u•k, nor .hall this rhaplcr appl}• to mineral, oil or taus ]cases. Prolr- <br />erty shall be considered as cuntil;uons units, teen if it is sejrtrs+ted by roudti, streets, <br />utility cuscntcu[s, or railroad rights-of-way. <br />(b) Exclusions; four or less parcels <br />(b) Subdit•ision dues not include any parcel ur parcels of land tt•hich is divided <br />iota four or less p:u•cels. Any cont•cyance of land to a I:p~~entutenlal at;cuc}•, public <br />entity or public utility shall not be cuusidcrcd a dit•isiun of land fur put•l;usea of com- <br />pu[ing the number of parcels. <br />(c) Exclusions; conditions <br />(c•) Subdit•ision does not inc•ludc the dit~isiou of any t•cul property improecd or <br />unimprut~ed or :: portion thereof shott•n ou the latest equ:dired coun,y assessment <br />roll :rs a unit or as conti~uuns units, n~ltich is divided for the purpose of sole, lease, <br />or fin;arcing, tt•hether immccliate or future, if any of the follott•iug renditions prc- <br />t•ail: <br />(1) The tt•hole parcel before dit•ision contains less than five acres, each parcel <br />created by [he dit~isiou abuts upon a public street ur hit;l:tt•ay and no dedications <br />or itnprocemcnts are re~uircd by the goecrning body. <br />(-'1 ,\ny parcel or parc•cls divided into lat. or parcels, each of a {;rocs arct oP'-'0 <br />acres or store, and each of tt•Itic•h has an approt~rd access to a muintaiaed public <br />street or hi~tnt•ay. <br />(:I) Anr parcel or parcel, of land hat•inS approeed access to n pul,lie street or <br />1-ightsay tt•hich comprise, part of a tract of land zoned for industrial ut• cxrtnmerci:d <br />det•clopment, and n•bich hats the approt'ul of the gut•erning body as to strut altgn- <br />mcnls anti tt•idths. <br />Underline Indicates changes or additions by amendment <br />104 <br />-78- <br />