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167-1. L R Santa Ana Pollee Department <br />Interoperabiliry Con <br />C 5 Consulting, Phase II <br />One Mission. Yours. GTSI-10-12549 4.0 <br />The GTSI Team will provide to the SPA a draft Charter with By-Laws for their approval which <br />will enable the SPA to establish a charter and By-Laws which: <br />• Identifies vision, mission, goals and objectives <br />• Identifies the roles and responsibilities of members <br />• Establishes by-laws, voting and membership requirements <br />• Establishes Committee Membership and meeting requirements <br />• Ensures compliance with local ordinances and laws <br />• Establishes and publishes timelines, preliminary funding and the criteria for the <br />prioritization and distribution of grant funds <br />• Establishes a method for measuring and prioritizing all proposed projects competing for <br />funding based on grant governance requirements and ability to meet interoperability <br />criteria at the local, regional, state and federal level <br />• Provides a process that supports and is in accordance with CaIEMA/ CaISIEC and <br />Federal grant procedures and which ensures SPA compliance with grant requirements <br />and timelines ' <br />Establishes a repository for formal agreements QVIOU's, MOA's, JPA's, Mutual Aid <br />Agreements between and within the SPA <br />Coordination and liaison with CaISIEC and attending CaISIEC and CaISIEC State <br />Meetings and providing reports back to the SPA members. <br />2.5 Governance Structure <br />As indicated in Section 2.4 above, the NECP Objective I and CaISCIP Goal I specifically <br />require the establishment of formal decision making structures and clearly defined leadership <br />roles to coordinate emergency communications capabilities and interoperable communications <br />planning. An integral part of governance which is established and institutionalized in the Charter <br />is the actual governance structure, which reflects the governing body and supporting committees <br />that make up the decision and approval authority for the SPA. The GTSI Team will develop a <br />recommended governance structure supported by a Charter and By-Laws, which meets the <br />requirements established by the NECP, CaISCIP and SAFECOM guidance, based on a working <br />group framework, which includes a centralized decision making authority for the SPA and which <br />will decentralize the local decision making authority for Urban Areas and Operational Areas. <br />The authority of the regional governance structure should be narrow in scope and related only to <br />defined operability/ interoperability communication activities, such as equipment standards, <br />training and evaluation, directives controlling compliance with NIMS/ICS standards, <br />coordination of exercise requirements and managing/ administering the allocation and <br />distribution of grant funds. <br />Typically the governance structure is made up of an executive committee, which is generally <br />considered to be the governing body, and the several committees, usually operational and <br />technical committees, which provide the subject matter expertise and monitor the current state as <br />well as provide recommendations on needed improvement and projects, and ad hoc committees <br />which are designated for specific requirements or needs. The recommended SPA governance <br />structure will consider any unique political, operational or technical issues, be framed in <br />-6- <br />GM Cotfldential and Proprietary. Use or disclosure of the data contained on this sheet Is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this <br />proposal.