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• Santa Ana Police Department <br />`???...JJJJ?SU hteroperability Conrnnrudcations Cons?dting, Phase Il <br />? One hiwoo. Yours, GTSI-10-12549 v1.0 <br />accordance with the Charter and By-laws and will satisfy the requirements established by the <br />NECP, CaISCIP and SAFECOM guidance. The proposed structure will be designed in such a <br />way that all Urban and Operational Areas will be represented as part of the governing body. It <br />will address and support the requirements for grant management/ administration, grant request <br />and prioritization for the allocation and distribution of grant funds received for the SPA regibn. <br />2.6 Grant Allocation Methodology <br />The SPA has been designated through the CalEMA/ CaiSIEC to serve as Governing Body and <br />Subject Matter Experts for communications interoperability needs/ requirements and <br />coordination within the SPA and to develop SPA finding requirements in support of those needs. <br />Associated with that responsibility is the requirement for the SPA to develop budget/ grant <br />requirements and budget/ grant justification in support of those requirements, a methodology for <br />allocating and distributing those fiords once received and the tracking/ verification of fund <br />expenditures to ensure compliance with grant guidance, financial management guidelines and <br />overall SPA objectives. When there is competition for those ftmds received, the SPA would be <br />responsible for the prioritization and- allocation of those funds and the associated oversight on <br />how those finds were expended. <br />The GTSI Team will develop and recommend to the SPA a specific methodology for measuring <br />and prioritizing all communications interoperability proposed projects competing for funding <br />within the SPA. The methodology will be based on grant governance requirements and the <br />projects ability to meet communications interoperability criteria required to be in compliance <br />with the NECP, DHS/ SAFECOM Best Practices, CalEMA/ CaISCIP requirements and that <br />project's ability to meet SPA interoperability goals. The methodology will address the <br />development and submission of Investment Justifications to Ca1SIEC/ Cal EMA. <br />Based on that measurement, representatives will vote for approval/ acceptance of the projects to <br />be awarded funding at a regular or special meeting of the SPA, as spelled out in the governance/ <br />by-laws. A methodology will be developed and incorporated into the governance by-laws for the <br />allocation/distribution of funds based on finds made available to support those projects. In the <br />event grant funds are provided to the SPA as a whole, the SPA will serve as the authority to <br />determine the distribution of grant ftmds for projects meeting the goals of the region. A <br />methodology for measuring and reporting the execution of those funds will be provided to the <br />SPA, The methods used to award, distribute and track funds will be described in the governance <br />by-laws. The methodology will include: <br />• Process for establishing requirements based on communications operational/ <br />interoperability needs within the SPA <br />• Process for developing/ determining the funding requirements/ needs to meet NECP, <br />CASCIP, SPA established goals and objectives and communications interoperability <br />within the SPA <br />• Process for the development of the Investment Justifications <br />• Process for the prioritization of the Investment Justifications <br />• SPA voting requirements <br />• Process for the SPA acceptance of grant funds <br />-7- <br />GTSI ConJidenital and Proprietary. Use or disclosure of the data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this <br />proposal.