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_J 0 Santa Arta Police Department <br />a.7t LNeroperability Comm nricalions Consulting, Phase H <br />One Mlssron. You(s. GTSI-10-12549 v1.0 <br />2.8 Develop Multi-year Training and Exercise Plan <br />The Strategic Plan should address all of the areas which impact the improvement to <br />communications interoperability within the SPA. As outlined in the DHS/SAFECOM <br />Interoperability Continuum, interoperable communications training and exercises is imperative <br />in accomplishing the highest levels of communications interoperability. The successful <br />implementation of communications interoperability requires not only technology and operational <br />protocols and procedures but it also requires that all first responder personnel, be thoroughly <br />knowledgeable, trained and exercised in the use of the equipment and the procedures that must <br />be utilized to effect communications interoperability. <br />The most effective method to begin development of a training and exercise program is through <br />the conduct of a Training and Exercise Planning Workshop (TEPW). The TEPW is a forum for <br />ultimately developing the SPA Multiyear Training and Exercise Plan. This plan will allow SPA <br />stakeholders as a whole to translate communications goals and priorities into specific objectives <br />and exercises, as well as collaborate and coordinate current and future training and exercise <br />activities. Our project team will work closely with the SPA and Urban/ Operational Area <br />stakeholders and will conduct multiple regional TEPWs in order to determine <br />regional/operational area 1) training and exercise priorities; 2) training and exercise program <br />goals and objectives, and 3) develop a multiyear schedule of training and exercise events that is <br />HSEEP compliant. <br />The analysis of the information from the regional/operational area TEPWs will be synthesized <br />into one overarching SPA Multiyear Training and Exercise Plan. This plan will detail a multiyear <br />training and exercise schedule that is coordinated across the Southern Planning Area, to include <br />each Urban/ Operational Area and the State of California. Additionally, the GTSI Team will <br />ensure 1) the communications-focused exercise schedule is coordinated with regional emergency <br />management exercise initiatives to allow for opportunities to sync exercises; 2) ample time to <br />implement a corrective actions program; and 3) structure the exercise schedule around a <br />comprehensive building block approach. <br />Development of the SPA Multiyear Training and Exercise Plan will be the first in the series of <br />steps utilizing HSEEP methodology and the building block approach. Although each exercise <br />type (i.e., workshop, tabletop, and frill-scale) can be executed as a single activity, the greatest <br />benefit can be achieved through a building-block approach to exercises that exposes exercise <br />participants to gradually increasing levels of complexity. An effective exercise program uses a <br />combination of exercise types to effectively accomplish exercise specific objectives and program <br />goals. It does not always proceed from least complex to most complex, but builds upon lessons <br />learned from previous exercises. <br />• Coordinate and facilitate one (1) planning meeting in advance of the TEPW <br />• Provide meeting minutes from the planning meeting <br />• Develop a TEPW invitation letter, if needed <br />• Develop TEPW Read-Ahead Materials to be sent out prior to conduct, approximately two <br />(2) weeks <br />• Send out invitation to all invitees via email, track as needed <br />-9- <br />GTSI Conj)dential and Proprietary. Use or disclosure of the data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this <br />proposal.