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?'/!,. r' Satiltr A to Police Department <br />Ltteroperobilily Conama ications Consitlting, Phase 11 <br />One Mission. Yours. GTSI-10-12549 v1.0 <br />• Establishment of fiduciary/ contracting agency <br />• Process for the allocation/ distribution of grant funds <br />• Fund expenditure tracking <br />• CaISIEC Reporting Requirements <br />2.7 CaISIEC Support <br />The CaISIEC has imposed requirements on the SPA which require support and coordination to <br />ensure that all requirements are met and tracked and that SPA responsiveness is current. The <br />requirements become even more demanding with the requirement to create, submit and <br />administer/account for grant funding. The GTSI Team will develop the requirements and <br />justification for a permanent Ca1SIEC SPA Liaison position for the Ca1SIEC SPA to provide <br />administrative support to the SPA and to coordinate the activities of the governing body and <br />manage day-to-day issues within the SPA. The position could be either a frill time funded <br />position for the SPA or be provided by contract services. The CaISIEC SPA Liaison duties <br />would include: <br />• Support of SPA daily interoperability efforts/ operations and management of priorities <br />• Coordinating communications interoperability initiatives and funding efforts to include <br />grant administration / management. <br />• Maintaining a data base of MOU's, MOA's, JPA's, Mutual Aid Agreements and other <br />agreements <br />• Developing meeting schedules/ agendas and providing minutes back to the Executive <br />Committee <br />• Coordinate activities with CalEMA/ Ca1SIEC, Urban/ Operational Areas <br />• Ensuring compliance with the National Response Framework, CaISCIP, NECP and <br />National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) <br />• Acting as a conduit for information flow between the Ca1SIEC/ Cal EMA and the SPA <br />and the respective Working Groups, Executive Committee, and Urban/ Operational Area <br />members as appropriate. <br />• Monitoring progress, challenges, and accomplishments made on achieving the goals and <br />initiatives outlined in the Cal SIEC SPA Strategic Plan <br />• Briefing the status of the initiatives and tasks to the SPA Chairperson, the Executive <br />Committee, and Working Group meetings as appropriate. <br />• Coordinating and managing the use of the interoperability spectrum <br />• Developing and delivering reports and briefings <br />• Coordinating various governmental initiatives related to public safety interoperability <br />communications <br />• TICP/ CASM Updates <br />• Exercise/ Training- Planning, Coordination, Support <br />• Maintaining Inventory of Voice and Data Systems <br />• Creating, maintaining and updating a SPA Website for use of SPA members <br />-8- <br />GM Confidential and Proprietary. Use or disclosure of the data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this <br />proposal.