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, Santa onsfife DeparlmeII <br />btferoperability, Cony»trrnicadons catiorts Cossrrlling, Phase I <br />ono Mlswon. Yours. GTSI-10-12549 v1.0 <br />7 GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS <br />• The information in this document is based on the most recent information available to the <br />GTSI team. The scope of work and associated costs in this document may be adjusted <br />should new or more detailed information become available regarding the project. The <br />most recent Proposal at the time of contract will govern performance. <br />• The information provided in this document is based on customer specification and <br />requirements provided by the Santa Ana Police Department, and are developed based on <br />and in accordance with the OEM specifications. <br />• No members of the GTSI team, unless specified elsewhere in this proposal, are required <br />to hold current and active security clearances or citizenships to assist in execution of this <br />project. <br />• Santa Ana Police Department will provide the GTSI team with an onsite contact for the <br />duration of the project. <br />• Santa Ana Police Department will provide the GTSI team with adequate security access <br />to perform the project, including facility access, network access and device access. <br />• Santa Ana Police Department will provide the GTSI team with adequate documentation <br />to perform the project, including facility diagrams, network diagrams and configurations <br />and device diagrams and configurations. <br />• When required, Santa Ana Police Department will provide the GTSI team timely access <br />to appropriate resources within the Santa Ana Police Department facilities, including, but <br />not limited to: related employees, vendors, developers, consultants, work space, training <br />space, staging space, hardware, software, network connections, test data and live data. <br />Any material delay in providing such reasonable accommodations shall be considered a <br />delay on the part of the Santa Ana Police Department. <br />• Santa Ana Police Department will ensure that adequate HVAC is in place to support <br />standard working conditions and the operation of the installed Hardware/Software. <br />• Santa Ana Police Department will provide information as requested by the GTSI team in <br />a timely fashion, including completing and returning all GTSI-provided templates. The <br />GTSI team will not be responsible for any delays caused due to failure by Santa Ana <br />Police Department to supply information requested by the GTSI team for this project. <br />Any down time not the fault of the GTSI team will be billed in addition to the price <br />proposed. <br />• This proposal is valid for a period of thirty (30) days from receipt of proposals. <br />• Santa Ana Police Department authorizes the use of the GTSI Subcontractor named in this <br />proposal <br />• Santa Ana Police Department authorizes the OEM products and solution proposed as per <br />Client requirements. <br />• GTSI assumes that all information contained within the proposal to be true and correct to <br />the best of the knowledge of GTSI and all partners. Based on that assumption, pricing is <br />being provided as per the requirements. If during the performance of this contract any <br />discrepancies are identified, GTSI may choose to accept the additional work or submit a <br />change order proposal to the Government. <br />-17- <br />GTSI Con fidential and Proprietary. Use a• disclosure of the data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this <br />proposal.