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<br />A. Any p~xtY .ay ~~e ~~e~ notice to t~.e other setting fad. ~ specific terms tine <br />e~~stence and nature of any unresvi~ed matter ar concern related to th.e purposes aid <br />ohligations afthis Agreement, such notice shall he pra~xde by and to the antr~t <br />~~cers on behalf of the parties. The officers shall ha~re fifteen ~~ } orl~ing days <br />falla~ring such notice t~ resolution of any issues~s} identified in this .a~ner; <br />pra~ided7 hoe~er, by mutual consent this period of dine nay be extended to tliiity <br />~3 0} days. <br />~. If the ~fftce~s are unable to abtn resol~.tion of the issue~s~, they shall subm~.t a j Dint <br />written tatem.ent describing the facts of the issue, ~ith~. thirty ~ 0~ days after the <br />written notice described abase to the ~ecutive ~3irector A. , Foundation grange <br />bounty and to pity's Housing lana~ger for resolution. Ifthe Dicers axe unahle to <br />prepare ~, joint state.e~t, cacti shall sub~r~it separate statements to the previously <br />listed within the thirty ~3 ~~ day period. Such persons shall meet and make their best <br />effort to resolve the matter within thiy ~0~ days following suhmission of the <br />statements, ~esolutiou ofthe dispute, or lack thereof, ~~ .e ~ecutive Director ~. . <br />Foi~.ndation grange County and the Santa Ana pausing Manager shy be docuraente~. <br />in the farm of wtten correspondence exchanged by such persons within ten ~ ~ ~~ <br />days following their ~.eetang. <br />~'I. Il~TD~~'IATIO~ <br />Each p~ agrees to indemnify, defend, a~.d hold harmless the other party, its <br />officers, agents and employees frame. all liability, claims, lasses and demands, including <br />defense casts, whether resulting from court action or otherwise, arising o~.t of the acts or <br />omissions of the indeifyha.g party, its officers, agents or en~playees or the condition of <br />property used in the performance of this Agreement, <br />~TII. INIAI~CE <br />kith respect to perfor.~ance of ward under this Agreement, contractor shall na.aintai~. <br />and sha11 requixe its s~ubcontractars, ~f any, to maintain insurance as dese~bed below: <br />I . 'o~l~er's compensation. insurance within statutory legal. lim~.ts, and <br />~. Com~nerciai general Liability insurance with limits of not less than. <br />1,~~~,~~a per accidentlineident. <br />outractor shah: ~a} pxiar to e~ercxsing any right nne~r this Agreement, furnish properly <br />ejected certificates of insurance and additional insured endorsement to the ~roj eet <br />4 ~` <br />