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sponsor which shall clearly evidence all coverages requ~xed above; fib} provide that such <br />insurance shall not be ~natera.a~ly changed or terminated except on ~ ~ days prior mitten <br />notice to the Praj ect Sponsor; ~c~ maintain such insurance far the period covered by this <br />Agreement; and ~d~ replace such cer~'ficate for policies expiring prior to the expiration <br />of this Agreement. <br />VIII. Il~P~TI~S A~ AIT <br />A, Any authorised representative of Pro j ect Sponsor} the amptraller General of the <br />~Jnited 'tatess the United States lepart~,ent of Dousing and urban 1)e~relopent ar any <br />o their authorised representatives shall lave access to i baol~ss documents, records, <br />~rhich such persons decor peinent to this Agreements for ~e purpose of conducting an <br />audit, evaluations or examinations ar making transcripts during the periods of retention set <br />fordo. the ecordslonfidentia~ity paragraph of this A.gree~nent and the ~ <br />which they are provided. <br />~. Project Sponsor shah actively participate and cooperate with any persons specified ~ <br />subparagraph A above ~n any evaluation or monitoring of the seces provided pursuant <br />to the Agreement, and shall provide the above mentioned persons adequate office space <br />to conduct such. evalua~~on or monitoring. <br />I. ~l~N"S~ A~ I1A~T <br />A. Contractors its a~cers, agents, employees, and subcontractors shahs throughout the <br />term of this Agreements maintain. all necessary licenses, permits, approvals, <br />certificates, waivers and exemptions necessary for the provision of the services <br />hereunder and required by the lames and regulations of the united States State of <br />~alifor~., pity, and y other applicable governmental agencies, <br />. ont~actor shall comply with all lays, ales, or regulations appicable to the services <br />provided hereunder, a any may navy exist ar be hereafter changed., These lags, rr~les, <br />and regulati~r~s s~.all include, but not limited to the fallong: <br />~ . united States fade ~. .~.}s title ~~, ectzon I ~9~ 1- ~ ~ 1 ~, A]S dousing <br />Gpportunity Act. <br />2. fade ofFederal ~egulatian ~~F~~s Title ~~, Part ~~~, Mousing <br />opportunities far Persons with ADDS. <br />. Gee vfll~anagement and budget ~~NIB~ circular ~o. ~.-l~s host <br />Principles far nonprofit organizations. <br />4. ~~ G~rau~ar ~o. A~ 1 ~ ~, Audits of lnstitut~ans of I-Iigher duct~an anal <br />ether ~onpro~it ~~a.stitutians. <br />5 <br />