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LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION <br />JULY 2010 FIRST STREET BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />standards. Project impacts related to seismic ground shaking would be less than significant and no <br />mitigation is required. <br />3. Seismic-related ground failure, including liquefaction? <br />Less than significant impact. According to the California Geological Survey Seismic Hazard <br />Zonation Program,' the project area is in a potential liquefaction zone. The City of Santa Ana General <br />Plan also shows that the project site is located in the area of high to very high liquefaction zone. <br />Because the proposed bridge is located over Santa Ana River and extends 300 ft west and east from <br />the bridge the liquefaction potential is a function of the alluvial soil characteristics on site. The bridge <br />construction and First Street widening will be consistent with the City's Building Code and the <br />California Standard Building Code. Therefore, the project construction is not expected to create <br />additional potential liquefaction risk. The potential risk associated with the new bridge construction <br />and street widening may actually decrease the potential for seismic-related failure because the <br />proposed bridge would comply with existing seismic design criteria. Due to compliance with modern <br />building practices, project impacts related to liquefaction would be less than significant and no <br />mitigation is required. <br />4. Landslides? <br />No impact. According to the California Geological Survey Seismic Hazard Zonation Program, <br />project site is not located in the earthquake induced landslide zone. The site is already developed and <br />the replacement of the bridge and street widening will not create additional structures that could <br />expose people to landslides, mudslides, or elevated erosion on or off site. No impacts are anticipated, <br />and no mitigation is required. <br />B. Would the project result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? <br />Less than significant impact with mitigation. During construction activities, soil would be exposed <br />and there would be an increased potential for soil erosion compared to existing conditions. <br />Construction would occur in an already built-out area, which was previously graded and compacted. <br />Construction activities would result in minor excavation occurring mostly in the channelized Santa <br />Ana River and are not anticipated to expose substantial areas of soil to additional erosion impacts. <br />The disturbed soil area during construction of the proposed project would be approximately 0.33 ac. <br />Erosion impacts would be minimized through implementation of Erosion and Sediment Control Best <br />Management Practices (BMPs). As specified in Mitigation Measure WQ-1, presented later in Section <br />VIII, Hydrology and Water Quality, an Erosion Control Plan would be prepared for the proposed <br />project and would specify the specific BMPs, such as sand bags, to be implemented during <br />construction. The Erosion Control Plan would ensure the implementation and maintenance of BMPs <br />to reduce or eliminate sediment in storm water. With implementation of Erosion and Sediment <br />Control BMPs, as specified in Mitigation Measure WQ-1, impacts related to soil erosion during <br />construction would be reduced to below a level of significance. <br />' California Division of Land Resource Protection,, <br />2007-08-10. <br />07/25/10 «PADMJ070l\MND\4.0 Environmental Analysis.doc» <br />4-16 <br />20A-67