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LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION <br />JULY 2010 FIRST STREET BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />The proposed project would increase the impervious surface area by approximately 0.30 ac compared <br />to the existing roadway facility. Any increase in volume and velocity of runoff would not be <br />substantial and would be conveyed to the existing downstream conveyance channels which are <br />engineered, hardened, and regularly maintained. Project runoff would not be directed to unpaved <br />areas prone to erosion. Therefore, the proposed project would result in less than significant impacts <br />related to soil erosion and the loss of topsoil and no mitigation is required. <br />C. Would the project result in the loss of a unique geologic feature? <br />No impact. The proposed project is located in a built-out area, where no unique geologic features are <br />present. The proposed project would not impact any unique geologic features on the site and no <br />mitigation is required. <br />D. Is the project located on strata or soil that is unstable or that would become unstable as a <br />result of the project and potentially result in on- or off-site landslide, lateral spreading, <br />subsidence, liquefaction, or collapse? <br />No impact. The site is already built-out and the vicinity of the site is relatively flat and developed <br />with urban uses. Therefore, the proposed project will not result in on-or off-site landslides, lateral <br />spreading, subsidence, liquefaction, or collapse. No impact is expected and no mitigation is required. <br />E. Where sewers are not available for the disposal of wastewater, is the soil capable of supporting <br />the use of septic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal systems? <br />No impact. The proposed project does not include the use of septic tanks or alternative methods for <br />disposal of wastewater. The proposed project is a bridge replacement and street widening project; no <br />sewage disposal systems are planned. There would be no project impact related to the disposal of <br />wastewater and no mitigation is required. <br />VII. Hazards and Hazardous Materials <br />Would the project: <br />A. Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, <br />use or disposal of hazardous materials? <br />Less than significant impact with mitigation. According to the Initial Site Assessment (LSA, July, <br />2010) no hazardous materials are associated with the operation of the bridge or roadway. However, <br />lead-containing materials and asbestos-containing materials (AGMs) and polychlorinated biphenyls <br />(PCBs) may be present in the existing bridge structure and on the First Street. In general, ACMs and <br />lead-containing materials have been documented in the rail shim sheet packing, bearing pads, support <br />piers, and expansion joint material of bridges as well as asphalt and concrete. Short-term impacts <br />related to construction activities consist mostly of fugitive dust emissions and equipment exhaust. <br />07/25/10 «P:\DMJ0701\MND\4.0 Environmental Analysis.doc» <br />4-17 <br />20A-68