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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> PEACE OFFICER - means an employee of the Santa Ana Police Department whose principal duties consist of <br /> active law enforcement and who is designated as a "peace officer" as that term is defined in Section 830, California <br /> Penal Code, except that, for purposes of this Resolution only, "peace officer" does not mean a park patrolman, <br /> security guard or a member of the fire department, whether the latter be serving as a member of an arson <br /> investigating unit, as a deputy or assistant state fire marshal, or in any capacity wherein the member would have the <br /> status of peace officer for purposes other than that of this Resolution. <br /> RECOGNIZED EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION - means an employee organization which has been granted formal <br /> recognition by the Employee Relations Officer as the employee organization which has the right to meet and confer <br /> in good faith as the majority representative of all members of an appropriate representation unit pursuant to Section <br /> 11 hereof, except those employees in such unit who have exercised their right not join an employee organization and <br /> who choose to represent themselves individually with the City, or has been designated through a secret ballot <br /> election as the exclusive representative of the employees in an appropriate representation unit pursuant to Section 11 <br /> of this Resolution. <br /> SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION - means those matters relating to employment conditions and employer-employee <br /> relations including, but not limited to, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment except, <br /> however, that the scope of representation shall not include consideration of the merits, necessity, or organization of <br /> any service or activity provided by law or executive order. <br /> Section 3: Designation of the City's Employee Relations Officer <br /> The City Council hereby designates the City Manager as the Employee Relations Officer who shall be the City's <br /> principal representative on all matters of employer-employee relations, with authority to meet and confer in good <br /> faith on matters within the scope of representation, and to administer all provisions of this Resolution and the <br /> employee relations rule and procedures adopted pursuant thereto. The Employee Relations Officer is authorized to <br /> delegate his duties and responsibilities. <br /> Section 4: Meet and Confer in Good Faith - Scope <br /> <br /> City representatives and representatives of formally recognized employee organizations having exclusive <br /> representation rights, have the mutual obligation personally to meet and confer in good faith in order to exchange <br /> freely information, opinions and proposals and to endeavor to reach agreement on matters within the scope of <br /> representation prior to the adoption by the City of its final budget for the ensuring year. <br /> The City shall not be required to meet and confer in good faith on a subject preempted by Federal or State law or by <br /> the City Charter. <br /> Section 5: Notice <br /> <br /> The City will give reasonable written notice to each recognized employee organization affected by any ordinance, <br /> rule, resolution, or regulation relating to matters within the scope of representation proposed to be adopted by the <br /> City, and each such organization shall be given the opportunity to meet and confer with the Employee Relations <br /> Officer prior to such adoption. <br /> In cases of emergency when the City determines that an ordinance, rule, resolution, or regulation relating to matters <br /> within the scope of representation must be adopted immediately without prior notice or meeting with recognized <br /> employee organization, the Employee Relations Officer shall provide such notice and opportunity to meet at the <br /> earliest practicable time following the adoption of such ordinance, rule, resolution or regulation. <br /> Section 6: Petition for Reco ng ition <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 98 <br /> 25F-100 <br />