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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Section 16: Employee Organization Activities - Use of City Resources <br /> <br /> Access to City work locations and the use of City paid time, facilities, equipment and other resources by employee <br /> organizations and those representing them shall be authorized only to the extent provided for in Memorandum of <br /> Understanding and/or administrative procedures; shall be limited to activities pertaining directly to the employer- <br /> employee relationship and not such internal employee organization business as soliciting membership, campaigning <br /> for office, and organization meetings and elections; and shall not interfere with the efficiency, safety and security of <br /> City operations. <br /> Section 17: Administrative Rules and Procedures <br /> The Employee Relations Officer is hereby authorized to establish such rules and procedures as appropriate to <br /> implement and administer the provisions of this Resolution after consultation with affected employee organizations. <br /> <br /> Section 18: Initiation of Impasse Procedures <br /> If the meet and confer process has reached impasse as defined in this Resolution, either party may initiate the <br /> impasse procedures by filing with the other party a written request for an impasse meeting, together with a statement <br /> of its position on all disputed issues. An impasse meeting shall then be scheduled promptly by the Employee <br /> Relations Officer. The purpose of such impasse meeting shall be: <br /> To identify and specify in writing the issue or issues that remain in dispute; <br /> <br /> To review the position of the parties in a final effort to resolve such disputed issue or issues; and <br /> <br /> If the dispute is not resolved, to discuss arrangement for the utilization of the impasse procedures provided herein. <br /> Section 19: Impasse Procedures <br /> <br /> Impasse procedures are as follows: <br /> <br /> If the parties so agree, the issue or issues at impasse shall be submitted directly to the City Council for <br /> determination. <br /> If they do not agree within seven (7) days following the conclusion of the impasse meeting set forth in Section 18 <br /> above, either party may submit the impasse to mediation. <br /> <br /> All mediation proceeding shall be private and the mediator shall make no public recommendation, nor take any <br /> public position at any time concerning the issues. <br /> If the parties are unable to agree on a mediator after a reasonable period of time, they shall select the mediator from <br /> a list of three names to be provided by the State Conciliation Service, or if that agency for any reason shall fail to <br /> provide such list, by the American Arbitration Association. <br /> Upon receipt of such list, the parties shall alternately strike names from the list until a single name remains who <br /> shall become the mediator. The priority of striking names shall alternate from one party to the other each time <br /> impasse procedures are invoked by the same parties. The employee organization or the City shall commence this <br /> process in an order determined by lot striking the first name from such list of names in any initial mediation. <br /> The cost of the mediator, if any, shall be shared equally by both parties. <br /> <br /> If the parties have failed to resolve all their disputes through mediation within fifteen (15) days after the mediator <br /> commenced meetings with the parties, the parties may agree to submit the issues in dispute directly to the City <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 104 <br /> 25F-106 <br />