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recruiting and serving the at-risk population. The prior Success Bound! programs and participants <br />have consistently met their performance goals. Staff has learned from experience and is ready to deal <br />with the real difficulties encountered in the enrollment, placement and data collection processes. Staff <br />recognizes the need to always be on a continuous learning curve. Staff is also well versed in the <br />completion of ongoing recruitment, eligibility, document collection, "My Action Plan" for each <br />participant, and the administration of objective assessments, etc. <br />The Career Development/ROP Department has literally hundreds of relationships in place with area <br />employers who have experienced success with prior youth program participants. This is particularly <br />true of those paid internship positions utilized in past WIA programs such as the School Workplace <br />Internship Program, the Arts-in-the-City program and the WIA Success Bound! & Right Start! m <br />programs. In addition to these, WIA youth participants will have access to the hundreds of regular a <br />ROP internship sites partnered with specific career preparation courses. Paid, non-paid, job o <br />shadowing and other related activities will also be accessible to the WIA participants via the Career <br />Centers at the high schools and the CTS lab at the ROP Ritchey Center. The adult mentors form o <br />Career Beginnings of Orange County (CBOC) will also be a resource to program participants. <br />With respect to parent involvement, initial contact with parents is normally made during the <br />enrollment process. Completion of the Work Permits also often requires another parent contact. The <br />WIA Success Bound! Community Resource Specialist will make home telephone and/or home visits <br />during the course of the program year. Normally, the initial reason will be either attendance and/or <br />paid work experience concern but other calls will also focus on missing graduation requirements, <br />college financial assistance documentation, training site issues, etc. Experience with previous years' <br />programs has taught the Success Bound! staff that parental support can be key to getting a senior <br />"back-on-track" towards graduation, career and higher education goals. <br />After the initial enrollment process, there will be a few other formal school/parent activities; e.g., <br />parents are invited to several of the adult mentor activities. But, strong informal relationships with <br />parents will be developed with parents when there have been concerns about attendance or other <br />related problems with training and work sites. These parental relationships will be maintained and <br />strengthen for the 2009/10 Success Bound! program year as we have learned the value of parental <br />support in these areas. The bi-monthly guidance/counseling sessions often provide opportunities to <br />discuss parental/adolescent relationships in a private setting and the success, which has been <br />experienced in improving these relationships in what can be a very trying time for both parents and <br />teenagers, will be continued for the upcoming program year. <br />The proposed staffing will include only Career Development/ROP staff members with prior WIA <br />experience. Given the scope of this project and the experience from prior program years, it is clear x <br />that the proposed staff should be sufficient. The proposed staff will be supported by the infrastructure <br />of the Career Development/ROP office and the College/Career Centers at each high school. Allied <br />with the District staff will be support personnel from other agencies such as EDD, the W/O/R/K <br />Center, Cal-WORKS and other member of the Youth Service Provider Network. Paid and volunteer <br />staff from Career Beginnings of Orange County will also support the team providing collaborative y <br />services to the In-School program participants. The efforts of these support staff and others will serve W <br />to leverage the WIA direct funded services into a more successful program for the Success.Bound! <br />participants. Mr. Quezada who represents the District at WIA meetings in-services etc coordinates <br />training and staff development activities for other District staff. This year, the budget includes <br />funding for him to attend the CWA conference as suggested by the WIA staff at the W/O/R/K Center. <br />The over-all operation for the Success Bound! will be handled by Ricardo Quezada, Community <br />Resource Specialist for SAUSD. Tony Dalessi, a retired ROP Program Specialist who has been <br />26 <br />EXHIBIT A