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5/11/10 <br />CITY shall pay such invoices within thirty (30) days after receipt thereof provided CITY is <br />satisfied that such expenses have been incurred and documented within the scope and provisions of <br />this Agreement and that SUBRECIPIENT is in compliance with the terms and conditions of this <br />Agreement. Failure to provide any of the required documentation and reporting will cause CITY <br />to withhold all or a portion of a request for reimbursement, or return the entire reimbursement <br />package to SUBRECIPIENT, until such documentation and reporting has been received and <br />approved by CITY. <br />B. Audit of Account. CITY shall include an audit of the account maintained by <br />SUBRECIPIENT in CITY's annual audit of all CDBG FUNDS in accordance with Title 24 of <br />the Code of Federal Regulations and other applicable federal laws and regulations. <br />C. Common Rule: Pursuant to CFR 85.40(a), the CITY manages the day-to-day operations <br />of e ach g rant a nd s ubgrant s upported a ctivities. C ITY s tall h as d etailed k nowledge o f t he g rant <br />program r equirements a nd in onitors g rant a nd s ubgrant s upported a ctivities t o a ssure c ompliance <br />with F ederal r equirements. Such monitoring c overs a ach pr ogram, f unction a nd a ctivity a nd <br />performance goals are reviewed periodically. <br />D. Environmental Review: In accordance with 24 CFR 58, the CITY is responsible for <br />undertaking environmental review and maintaining environmental review records for each <br />applicable project. <br />E. Performance Monitoring: CITY shall monitor the performance of the <br />SUBRECIPIENT against goals and performance standards required herein. Substandard <br />performance as determined by the CITY will constitute non-compliance with this Agreement. If <br />action to correct such substandard performance is not taken by the SUBRECIPIENT within a <br />reasonable period of time after being notified by the CITY, contract suspension or termination <br />procedures will be initiated. <br />III. NONDISCREMNATION <br />SUBRECIPIENT agrees that no person on the ground of race, age, color, national origin, <br />religion or sex will be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to <br />discrimination under any program or activity funded in whole or in part with CDBG funds. <br />IV. CONFLICT OF INTEREST <br />Pursuant t o t he c onflict o f interest r equirements s et forth in 24 C FR 576.57 a nd O MB <br />Circulars 1-102 and A-110, SUBRECIPIENT agrees that no officer, employee, agent or assignee of <br />CITY having direct or indirect control of any CDBG monies granted to the CITY, inclusive of the <br />subject C DBG F UNDS, shall s erve a s a n of ficer of S UBRECIPIENT. F urther, a ny c onflict o r <br />potential c onflict o f i nterest o f any o fficer o f S UBRECIPIENT shall b e fully d inclosed in writing <br />prior to the e xecution of t his A greement a nd s aid w riting s hall be at tached an d d eemed f ully <br />9