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I I I <br />LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. <br />MARCH 2002 <br />ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS <br />AMENDMENT NO.I <br />DISCO%'ERY SCIENCE CENTER <br />analyzed in FEIR 96 -01 and would not substantially increase the severity of aesthetic impact or shade <br />or shadow impact identified in FEIR 96 -01, in that the increased development area allowed under the <br />proposed project would be designed to avoid potential aesthetic impacts. Additionally, no new <br />information has been made available since preparation of FEIR 96 -01 that would adversely affect the <br />aesthetic impact analysis, effectiveness of mitigation measures, and the environmental determinations <br />made in FEIR 96 -01. <br />Public Health and Safety Hazards <br />Potential project related and cumulative public health and safetyimpacts associated with the <br />implementation of the DSC project were adequately evaluated in FEIR 96 -01. FEIR 96 -01 determined <br />that implementation of the DSC project would not result in any significant public health and safety <br />impacts. Mitigation was added to the project to avoid any potential effects from use of uncontrolled <br />hazardous materials. The proposed project would not result in newpublic health and safetyimpacts <br />beyond the impacts previously analyzed in FEIR 96 -01 and would not substantially increase the <br />severity of any public health and safetyimpact identified in FER 96 -01, in that the proposed project <br />would not involve any activities that would subject the public topublic health and safetyimpacts. <br />Additionally, no new information has been made available since preparation of FEIR 96 -01 that would <br />adversely affect the public health and safetyimpact analysis and environmental determinations made in <br />FEIR 96 -01. <br />Relationship Between Short-Term Uses of the Environment and the Maintenance and <br />Enhancement of Lon-Term Productivity /Significant Improvements Environmental <br />Changes <br />FEIR 96 -01 analyzed the DSC project's relationship between short-term uses of the environment and <br />the maintenance and enhancement of long term productivity of the environment. FEIR 96 -01 found <br />that the proposed project would also result in long -terns impacts that affect only the site and have no <br />off -site ramifications. These would include building the parking structure in the floodplain and having <br />patrons subjected to noise from the I -5 Freeway. The proposed project would contribute cumulatively <br />to air emissions and area traffic, both of which would not be able to be completely mitigated and could <br />have a long -term impact on air quality. FEIR 96 -01 determined that DSC provided a balance between <br />short-term use of the land and the long term maintenance and enhancement of the environment. The <br />increased development area allowed on DSC Phase H would not result in additional impacts beyond <br />the impacts previously analyzed in FEIR 96 -01 and would not increase the severity of any impact <br />identified in FEIR 96 -01. <br />Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitments of Energy /Significant Irreversible <br />Environmental Changes <br />FEIR 96 -01 determined that the development of DSC would not result in the irreversible and <br />irretrievable commitments of energy. Implementation of the project would modify existing structures, <br />and new structures would be built. Additionally, the site would be paved and traffic circulation <br />improvements added. <br />Implementation of the project also represents a long -term commitment of the land to a museum type <br />use commitment, of energy resources, in the form of fossil fuels and natural gas for center construction <br />H ^,ROBE FILESWmend 1 dsc revl.doc 43/07/02» 9 <br />Pale 9 of 17 <br />