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5. Planning Commission Comments <br />Commissioner Cribb <br />• Thanked Ms. Amerson for her dedication and noted his appreciation for all her <br />contributions. <br />• Requested that staff investigate the landscaping at the Santa Ana Auto Mall noting <br />that other auto centers he has observed appear to be more attractive. <br />• Reported that many pine trees are being topped and asked that a tree policy be <br />established. He suggested an informational program on how to appropriately trim <br />trees be included in the water bills. <br />• Noted his attempt to elevate architecture in the community. He also noted that at the <br />Cornerstone Village grand opening the architect was acknowledged at the event but <br />was not acknowledge in the written materials. <br />• Noted concern regarding the denial of the liquor license on Dyer Road. <br />Commissioner Verino <br />• Requested that staff investigate two metal storage containers in the front parking lot <br />of Rite Aid at the northwest corner of First and Main Streets and also requested that <br />staff ask that Rite Aid clean their awnings. <br />• Requested staff investigate a large pothole on northbound Main Street north of <br />Chestnut noting the hole was to the right of a metal cover and suggested a second <br />cover be placed. <br />Commissioner Mondo <br />• Asked that staff provide an update on the Civic Center Plan and how it may be <br />altered by Centerline. <br />• Requested that staff follow-up on the "New Improvements Coming To You" signs that <br />are still at Lillie King and Sandpointe Parks in which the anticipated dates have past <br />with no improvements. He noted that the signs have had graffiti on them for several <br />weeks. <br />• Requested staff investigate if the large 500-gallon tank close to the trash enclosure <br />at In-N-Out Burger at MacArthur & Bristol is permitted. <br />• Asked if the sign at MacArthur Place indicating new townhomes coming soon refers <br />to the units that had previously been approved by the specific development. Mr. <br />Edwards noted they were. <br />• Noted the pleasure of working with Ms. Amerson. <br />Commissioner Richardson <br />• Requested that staff investigate the strings of balloons at the Honda Santa Ana <br />dealership at the Auto Mall. <br />• Requested that staff investigate the Honda Santa Ana signs on stakes off the 5 <br />Freeway at 17t" Street. <br />• Requested staff investigate the building supply yard located at the northwest corner <br />of 1St and Fairview noting there are dozens of ice creams truck parked in the lot with <br />no screening. <br />• Congratulated Joyce Amerson on her new position in Pasadena. <br />• Noted he would like to renew his request to look at the No Stopping Anytime signs <br />and asked that staff investigate: Fairhaven and Santa Clara east of the railroad <br />tracks adding that some on Fairhaven have graffiti; Santa Clara between Grand <br />Avenue and Lincoln; and MacArthur Boulevard between Fairview and Bristol where <br />signs are in tree wells. He requested staff to investigate the possibility of having the <br />curbs painted red in some of these areas. <br />• Requested that staff have a future meeting at the Police building in order to see the <br />Stat-Track System. <br />Commissioner Leo <br />• Requested that the City Attorney's Office investigate how to legally get national <br />retailers to purchase liquor licenses in Santa Ana adding the need to be aggressive <br />and also gives flexibility to approve certain projects that would enhance the city. <br />• Inquired if the owners of the property across MainPlace are pursuing plans that will <br />generate sales tax revenue. Mr. Edwards responded that the owner is in the process <br />of developing plans to submit and staff will have a study session once received to <br />discuss proposals. He noted that he hoped the owner pursue opportunities for sales <br />tax revenue. <br />• Noted his agreement with branding campaign's issue of, signage for the downtown <br />area and the need to direct people off the freeway to the downtown and artists <br />village. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 6 OCTOBER 28, 2002 <br />