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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NO. C-9-0824 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />overall delay, and comply with the South Coast Air Quality Management District <br />(AQMD) requirements. <br />1.2 PROJECT LIMITS AND DESCRIPTION <br />1 .2.1 BRISTOL/STATE COLLEGE BRT CORRIDOR <br />Optimized signal timing and synchronization shall be implemented at the <br />following roadway segments along the Bristol/State College BRT Corridor <br />including additional intersections beyond the corridor limits due to short roadway <br />segments and/or to maintain existing synchronized zones: <br />1. Bristol Street from Baker Street to the SR-22 ramps, as well as including <br />West Memory Lane to The City Drive. <br />2. The City Drive from West Memory Lane and continuing along State <br />College Boulevard to Brea Boulevard. <br />Table 1-2 summarizes the number of signalized intersections per agency along <br />the Bristol/State College BRT Corridor including additional intersections beyond <br />the BRT corridor limits. <br />Scope of Work 11 09/09/10 <br />