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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NO. C-9-0826 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />h. Bristol Street at McFadden Avenue (signal timing modification) <br />Bristol Street at Warner Avenue (signal timing modification) <br />The anticipated existing signal timing modifications and new signalized <br />intersection locations listed above are for reference only and CONSULTANT <br />shall coordinate and verify with the respective agencies. <br />CONSULTANT shall provide a section in the technical memorandum deliverable, <br />as described in Section 3.1.6, to AUTHORITY detailing the findings of the <br />completed Data Collection deliverables review. <br />3.1 .4 TASK A-4: BRISTOL/STATE COLLEGE BRT CORRIDOR TSS DESIGN <br />FINALIZATION SERVICES — REVIEW COMPLETED INVENTORY OF <br />EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGNALS, FIELD MASTERS/HUBS LOCATIONS, SIGNAL <br />COMMUNICATIONS, AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS <br />Previous consultant reviewed the geometric layout, existing traffic signal <br />equipment, and identified any deficiencies (outdated controller <br />hardware/software, obsolete equipment, etc.) for each intersection along the <br />selected synchronized segments along the Bristol/State College BRT Corridor. <br />The review included an assessment of the existing intersection geometry <br />(number of lanes, lane width, lane storage, crosswalks, etc), traffic conditions, <br />and traffic signal control equipment along the Bristol/State College BRT Corridor <br />using observation, available as -built plans, consultation with the local agencies, <br />and agency aerial photos. With documented permission of the local agencies, <br />previous consultant inspected the interior of each traffic control cabinet and <br />made recommendations for equipment upgrades. <br />Previous consultant verified existing traffic signal communication systems along <br />the Bristol/State College BRT Corridor including equipment inside the signal <br />controller cabinets and reviewed field masters/hubs locations and equipment. <br />Previous consultant reviewed the agencies' traffic management system(s) <br />including hardware and software. <br />Previous consultant also identified all planned and programmed improvements <br />(widening projects, intersection improvements, etc.) on the selected <br />synchronized segments along the Bristol/State College BRT Corridor. The <br />identification of these projects included a list summarizing all improvements. <br />Key components of the completed corridor review included, but were not limited <br />to the following: <br />1. Bristol/State College BRT Corridor lane configurations and lane widths. <br />Scope of Work 33 05/18/1 O <br />