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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NO. C-9-0826 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />Peak period turning movement traffic counts were not collected at future <br />signalized intersections. <br />All traffic counts are summarized in MS Excel format. AUTHORITY shall provide <br />electronic copies of the raw data count sheets to the CONSULTANT along the <br />Bristol/State College BRT Corridor. <br />AUTHORITY shall provide electronic copies of the following completed and <br />AUTHORITY approved Bristol/State College BRT Corridor Data Collection <br />deliverables for CONSULTANT review and background information: <br />1. Report, in MS Word, MS Excel, and Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format, <br />summarizing data collection effort, including timing sheets, coordination <br />plans, coordination zones, as -built drawings, aerial photos, maps, traffic <br />collision analysis, and traffic collision diagrams. <br />2. 24-hour traffic counts, in MS Excel format, collected during the month of <br />October 2008. <br />3. Axle classification traffic counts, in MS Excel format, collected during the <br />month of October 2008. <br />4. Intersection peak period turning movement traffic counts, in MS Excel <br />format, collected during the month of October 2008, early November 2008 <br />(prior to the Thanksgiving holiday), and late January 2009. <br />For all existing signalized intersections in which existing signal timing is modified <br />or where new signalized intersections are constructed during the TSS Design <br />Finalization Phase, CONSULTANT shall collect from the respective agencies all <br />updated or new timing sheets and traffic signal as -built drawings for incorporation <br />into the Signal Timing Optimization task. Anticipated existing signal timing <br />modifications and new signalized intersections along the Bristol/State College <br />Boulevard BRT Corridor include, but are not limited to, the following: <br />a. State College Boulevard at Artisan Court (new signalized intersection) <br />b. The City Drive at Garden Grove Boulevard/Memory Lane (signal timing <br />modification) <br />c. Metropolitan Drive at SR-22 WB Ramps (signal timing modification) <br />d. Bristol Street at 17th Street (signal timing modification) <br />e. Bristol Street at Santa Ana Boulevard (signal timing modification) <br />f. Bristol Street at First Street (signal timing modification) <br />g. Bristol Street at Willits Street/Bishop Street (signal timing modification) <br />Scope of Work 32 05/18/10 <br />