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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NO. C-9-0826 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />CONSULTANT shall provide a section in the technical memorandum deliverable, <br />as described in Section 3.1.6, to AUTHORITY detailing the findings of the <br />completed Field Inventory Report review. <br />3.1 .5 TASK A-5: BRISTOL/STATE COLLEGE BRT CORRIDOR TSS DESIGN <br />FINALIZATION SERVICES — REVIEW COMPLETED BRISTOL/STATE <br />COLLEGE BRT CORRIDOR "BEFORE" STUDY <br />Previous consultant conducted a "Before" field study report representative of the <br />times and days for which synchronization plans were developed. The report <br />identified Measures of Effectiveness (MOE) to evaluate the effects of the <br />synchronization plans. MOE's included traffic flow, travel time, average speed, <br />stops, fuel consumption reduction, pollution reduction, and other pertinent items. <br />The identified MOE's were compiled for the corridor using the floating car method <br />and Synchro 7.0. <br />For the "Before" field study, previous consultant conducted a minimum of five (5) <br />floating car "runs" in each direction and during all periods in which <br />synchronization plans were developed. <br />The completed report addresses optimization strategies for signal <br />synchronization, specifically focusing on how to synchronize the Bristol/State <br />College BRT Corridor (i.e. end -to -end optimization and/or coordinated zones). <br />The report defines the traffic patterns along the Bristol/State College BRT <br />Corridor throughout the day and throughout the week. <br />The analysis was based on all floating car data collected using a GPS device <br />and PC Travel software. AUTHORITY shall provide all PC Travel data files and <br />an electronic copy, in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format, of the PC Travel summary <br />reports for CONSULTANT review and background information. Previous <br />consultant prepared a "Before" Study Project Report and finalized the "Before" <br />Study Project Report based on comments received from the AUTHORITY. <br />AUTHORITY shall provide an electronic copy, in MS Word, MS Excel, and <br />Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format, of the completed and AUTHORITY approved <br />Bristol/State College BRT Corridor "Before" Study Project Report for <br />CONSULTANT review and background information. <br />CONSULTANT shall provide a section in the technical memorandum deliverable, <br />as described in Section 3.1.6 to AUTHORITY detailing the findings of the <br />completed "Before" Study Project Report review. <br />3.1 .6 TASK A-6: BRISTOL/STATE COLLEGE BRT CORRIDOR TSS DESIGN <br />FINALIZATION SERVICES — COMPLETED DESIGN PHASE <br />DOCUMENTATION REVIEW <br />Scope of Work 36 05/18/10 <br />