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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NO. C-9-0825 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />SECTION 6.0 DELIVERABLES <br />The following outlines the general requirements for contract deliverables <br />(Deliverable) as defined within the SOW. In addition to the deliverables defined <br />in the SOW, AUTHORITY may, at its sole discretion, request additional <br />information for clarification, as needed. AUTHORITY shall require at least <br />twenty-one (21) days for reviewing each deliverable, unless stated otherwise in <br />writing. <br />6.1 DELIVERABLES REQUIREMENTS <br />6.1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION <br />Using the list of deliverables provided in the SOW as a base template, <br />CONSULTANT shall develop a comprehensive list of all documents. All of these <br />documents shall include sufficient information related to TSS furnishing, <br />installation, testing, commissioning, and all other aspects of the SOW. <br />CONSULTANT's list of deliverables shall include all of the documents specified <br />in this SOW, and shall also include additional documents, which CONSULTANT <br />deems appropriate to provide complete and comprehensive information to assist <br />AUTHORITY to review such documents. The list of deliverables within this <br />document is intended to include the basic requirements in the SOW. However, if <br />there are any items omitted, CONSULTANT shall provide all such additional <br />deliverables. <br />CONSULTANT shall provide a comprehensive list of deliverables, including any <br />additional deliverables that it intends to provide to AUTHORITY, and note any <br />suggested changes to the deliverable list provided in the SOW. This list shall <br />note any suggested changes to the due date, days to review, etc. The Final <br />Deliverables List (Deliverable) shall be provided to AUTHORITY for approval in <br />writing fifteen (15) days after NTP. <br />6.1.2 DELIVERABLES FORMAT <br />The deliverable format shall include the following information as specified below; <br />however, not necessarily in the stated order: <br />1. Cover page including title, the name of CONSULTANT, the deliverable <br />number, the submittal date, applicable section number, and other information <br />deemed necessary by CONSULTANT. <br />2. List of persons who will receive a copy of the cover page and/or deliverable. <br />3. Revision table with revision number, revision date, general nature of <br />change(s), and affected page(s). <br />Scope of Work 104 05/18/1 O