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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NO. C-9-0825 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />7.2 ABBREVIATIONS <br />Abbreviations D®scri tion <br /> <br />A <br />A&E Architectural and En ineerin <br />ADA Americans with Disabilities Act <br />APWA American Public Works Association <br />AQMD Air Qualit Mana ement District <br />ASTM American Societ for Testin and Materials <br />AUTHORITY Oran a Count Trans ortation Authorit <br />B <br />BLVD Boulevard <br />BRT Bus Ra id Transit <br />C <br />CA California <br />CADD Com uter Aided Draftin &Desi n <br />CALTRANS California De artment of Trans ortation <br />CAMM Contracts Administration and Materials Mana ement <br />CAMUTCD California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices <br />CC Central Communications <br />CCTV Closed Circuit Television <br />CONSULTANT Desi n, Furnish and Install Consultant <br />COTS Commercial-Off-The-Shelf <br />CPM Critical Path Method <br />CTC California Trans ortation Commission <br />D <br />DBE Disadvanta ed Business Enter rise <br />F <br />FHWA Federal Hi hwa Administration <br />G <br />GPS Global Positionin S stems <br />I <br />I- Interstate <br />1-405 San Die o Freewa <br />IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic En ineers <br />IFB Invitation For Bid <br />ITC Irvine Trans ortation Center <br />ISO International Standards Or anization <br />J <br />JPEG Joint Photo ra hic Ex erts Grou <br />K <br />KB Kilob tes <br />M <br />MOE Measures Of Effectiveness <br />Scope of Work 118 05/18/1 O