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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NO. C-9-0825 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />MOU Memorandum of Understandin <br />MS Microsoft <br />N <br />NEC National Electrical Code <br />NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association <br />NIC Not In Contract <br />NS Network Subs stem <br />NTP Notice to Proceed <br />O <br />O&M O eratin and Maintenance <br />OCTA Oran a Count Trans ortation AUTHORITY <br />P <br />PM Pro'ect Mana er <br />PMC Pro'ect Mana ement Consultant <br />PS&E Plans, S ecifications and Estimates <br />PW Public Works <br />Q <br />QA/QC Qualit Assurance/Qualit Control <br />R <br />RFI Re uest for Information <br />RFP Re nests for Pro osals <br />S <br />SCOOT S lit, C cle, and Offset O timizer Techni ues <br />SCE Southern California Edison <br />SOW Sco a of Work <br />SR State Route <br />SSP State of California Standard Plans <br />SSS State of California Standard S ecifications <br />T <br />TAC Technical Adviso Committee <br />TBD To Be Determined <br />TMC Trans ortation Mana ement Center <br />TOPD Traffic O erations Polic Directives <br />TSS Traffic Si nal S nchronization <br />W <br />WATCH Work Area Traffic Control Handbook <br />Scope of Work 119 05/'18/10