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PUBLIC BEARINGS <br />PUBLIC BEARINGS <br />ROLL CALL: The Regular Meeting of the Santa Ana Planning Commission was called <br />to order and conducted by Chairman Mondo in the City Council Chambers, 22 Civic <br />Center Plaza, Santa Ana, California. Roll call was answered by Chairman Mondo <br />and Commissioners Brown, Doughty, Nalle, Pedroza, and Segura. Also in attendance <br />were Robyn IIptegraff, Executive Director; Kenneth Adams, Planning Manager; other <br />City staff in attendance: Richard Lay, Assistant City Attorney; Sergio Rlotz, <br />Associate Planner; Larry Yenglin, Associate Planner; Vince Fregoso, Associate <br />Planner; PamLucado, Public Works Agency, Mike McCoy of the Santa Ana Police <br />Department; and Sharon McCain-Johnson, Recording Secretary. <br />PLEDOE OP ALLEOIANCB TO THE FLAG: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman <br />Mondo. <br />PROCEDURAL RULES: The procedural rules for the session were read by Chairman <br />Mondo. <br />PUBLIC BEARIN68• <br />1. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDNENT NO 94-4. (Sergio Klotz) <br />Filed by the City of Santa Ana to revise the allowable uaee and <br />development regulations in the City's industrial zoning diatricta. <br />(Continued by the Planning Commission October 23, 1995 to November 13, <br />1995) <br />RSCONNENDATION: <br />Recommend that the City Council approve Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 94- <br />4. <br />Mr. Sergio Rlotz, Associate Planner indicated that City Council directed <br />staff to re-evaluate uses in the industrial diatricta of the City. <br />Planning and Community Development staff coordinated the review through <br />work sessions with local industrial brokers, architects, surveys, <br />interviews of industrial brokers, comparisons of industrial uaee in <br />adjacent jurisdictions, and industrial standards and trends from national <br />and local industrial organizations. In conclusion, the primary objectives <br />of the review were to make the industrial uses and standards clear and <br />' easy to understand; promote flexibility to accommodate industrial and <br />ancillary uaee; and maintain a clear distinction between the uaee allowed <br />in commercial and office diatricta. <br />Commissioner Doughty moved to approve Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 94-4. <br />The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown. <br />AYES: Mondo, Brown, Doughty, Nalle, Pedroza, and Segura <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Oliver <br />2. VARIANCE NO. 95-5. (Marta Crane) <br />Filed by Mr. Ralph Espinoza for a reduction in required lot size and site <br />circulation requirements to facilitate the construction of an office <br />building located at 1502 South Greenville Street in the General Commercial <br />(C1) zoning district. <br />(Continued 6y Planning Commission October 9, 1995 to November 13, 1995) <br />LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHED: September 15, 1995 <br />PUBLIC NOTICES MAILED: September 15, 1995 <br />RSCOIWENDATION: <br />Approve Variance No. 95-5 as conditioned by staff and adopt the findings <br />ae submitted by staff. <br />Mr. Kenneth Adams, Planning Manager, reiterated that Variance No. 95-5 had <br />been previously continued for a full quorum and informed the Commission <br />that the applicant had made a request to continue the item indefinitely. <br />Mr. Ralph Espinoza formally requested an indefinite continuance. <br />Commissioner Brown moved to continue Variance No. 95-5 indefinitely. The <br />motion was seconded by Commissioner Nalle. <br />AYES: Mondo, Brown, Doughty, Nalle, Pedroza, and Segura <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Oliver <br />PLANNm9G COMMISSION MIN[/l'FS Nmembee 13, 1995 <br />3 <br />