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PROPERTY OWNERS NOTIFIED: May 30, 2001 <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Deny Conditional Use Permit No. 2001-13. <br />Ann Ni, Senior Planner, provided the staff report and advised that the applicant had <br />provided information regarding its efforts to contact other property owners in the area. <br />No one had indicated any interest in leasing space for amono-pine location. Ms. Ni <br />advised the Commission that staff believed there were other sites in the area that would <br />provide the same level of service and be more appropriate. Staff still recommended <br />denial of the request. <br />Commissioner Nalle asked if an antenna were located anywhere in the general area <br />would the service be the same. Staff responded that they had found that if the <br />installation remained within the same general radius the level of service would remain <br />the same. There were other locations that would be off the freeway and more <br />acceptable to the community. <br />Commissioner Verino stated that it was her understanding that the applicant had been <br />requested to provide information indicating its efforts to contact other building owners in <br />the area and they seemed to have complied. The applicant also provided the coverage <br />area as requested. It appears this information is being used to require the applicant to <br />seek additional sites. <br />Chairman Mondo advised that while the public hearing had already been held a <br />representative from the applicant would be allowed to speak. <br />Marc Myers, representative from Sprint PCS stated that staff's finding regarding the <br />coverage being the same in another location in the general radius was not correct. The <br />map represents a signal reading at the time it was taken only. The company has not <br />been successful in obtaining a site in the area that staff believed to be appropriate. He <br />felt that the company had complied with the requests made at the last Commission <br />meeting and believes the location meets the intent of the Code. He agreed with the <br />addendum provided in the staff report with the exception of the condition that the tree <br />needs to be a Canary Island pine. <br />A discussion was held regarding the type of tree to use. Ms. Nelson requested that staff <br />be given the latitude to approve an acceptable tree. <br />Ben Kaufman advised the Commission that approval could not be given at this time, as <br />the Negative Declaration had not been completed. Jeff Rice stated that the required 20- <br />day period would be completed prior to the Commission's next meeting scheduled for <br />July 9, 2001. Ben Kaufman advised that should the item be approved at this time with a <br />Categorical Exemption all conditions would be removed including aesthetic ones. <br />Motion to continue to July 9, 2001. <br />MOTION: Nalle SECOND: Verino <br />AYES: Cribb, Doughty, Leo, Mondo, Nalle, Verino (6) <br />NOES: None (0) <br />ABSENT: Richardson (1) <br />ABSTENTION: None (0) <br />3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2001-19 <br />Filed by Howard Glasser for La Canasta Furniture to provide a parking lot in the <br />Two-Family residential Parking Suffix (R2B) zoning district for La Canasta <br />Furnishings store located at 504-510 South Cypress Street. <br />PUBLISHED IN THE REGISTER: June 15, 2001 <br />PUBLICLY NOTICED: May 1, 2001 <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 5 JUNE 25, 2001 <br />