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Chapter 3 Findings Regarding Project Alternatives <br />Draft EIR (with the exception of minor design changes to remove the need for condemning private <br />property), its environmental impacts will be identical to those described and analyzed in the Draft <br />EIR. Therefore, no revisions to any of the environmental impact analyses provided in Chapter 3.0 of <br />the Draft EIR, Environmental Analysis, were necessary. The modified Project design would result in <br />the same degree of impacts as stated in the Draft EIR, and all mitigation measures identified in the <br />Draft EIR would continue to apply to the modified Project. There would be no new significant <br />impacts and no increase in the severity or degree of any impacts that were disclosed in the Draft EIR. <br />Therefore, the project modifications do not warrant recirculation of the Draft EIR pursuant to the <br />criteria listed above and set forth in CEQA Guidelines Section 15088.5. <br />As indicated in the responses to public comment letters provided in Section F.3 of the Final EIR, <br />Responses to Comments, no comments were received on the Draft EIR that warrant revision to the <br />analysis of the Project's impacts to the environment. In addition, and in consideration of all <br />comment letters received by the City, no new significant environmental impacts were identified that <br />were not already identified by the Draft EIR. The Final EIR also does not identify any increases in <br />the severity of any environmental impacts that were disclosed in the Draft EIR. The Final EIR does <br />not identify any new environmental impacts or increases in the severity of environmental impacts; <br />therefore, no new mitigation measures are required beyond those that were disclosed in the Draft EIR. <br />In addition, public comment letters on the Draft EIR did not identify any alternatives to the proposed <br />Project that would substantially lessen the significant environmental impacts of the proposed Project, <br />as all feasible alternatives would result in significant and unavoidable short-term <br />Transportation/Traffic impacts at the intersection of West Segerstrom Avenue/South Bristol Street <br />due to the need for construction activities within the intersection. <br />Finally, the City of Santa Ana finds that the Draft EIR was comprehensive and thorough, and was <br />sufficient to provide the public with meaningful opportunities to comment. <br />Based on the foregoing, the City of Santa Ana has determined that recirculation of the Draft EIR is <br />not warranted according to the guidance set forth in Section 15088.5 of the State CEQA Guidelines. <br />San Lorenzo Lift Station EIR (Project No. 06-3510) 3-8 <br />Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />55B-33