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Matters listed on the Business Calendar are general <br />proposals for new legislation or items requiring discussion. <br />C. HISTORIC FRENCH PARK TRAFFIC DIVERTERS <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Commission Policy. <br />George Alvarez, City Engineer provided an overview including the purpose of <br />traffic plans, the process for development, and the development of the plan for <br />French Park. Ruth Smith, Senior Traffic Engineer, outlined the elements of the <br />plan, the approval process, how the plan could become permanent, and how it <br />would be implemented. Clarification of the boundaries for the neighborhood <br />association and who would vote on the issue were provided. <br />Discussion was held on methods to discourage traffic in neighborhoods and also <br />how voting criteria had been determined. Clarification on the impact to the <br />French Court neighborhood provided. <br />Commissioner Schaefer asked if the intent of the item was to make a <br />recommendation to ETAC. Mr. Edwards advised that ETAC is the body that <br />determines traffic plans but that the Historic Resources Commission could <br />forward a recommendation. Ms. Odette advised that staff could be directed to <br />write a letter to ETAC supporting the Historic French Park Traffic Plan. <br />Motion to direct sfaff to prepare a letter of support for the Historic French <br />Park Traffic Plan. <br />MOTION: Chinn SECOND: Richardson <br />AYES: Chinn, Corpin, Gartner, O'Callaghan, Richardson, Schaeffer (6) <br />NOES: None (0) <br />ABSENT: Bustamante, Kings (2) <br />ABSTENTION: Giles (1) <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />PROCEDURAL RULES <br />ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 2002-85 <br />(Continued by the Historic Resources Commission on June 6, 2002 to August 1, 2002) <br />Filed by the City of Santa Ana to modify various sections of Chapter 30 of <br />the Santa Ana Municipal Code pertaining to definitions, removal of a <br />structure from the Historic Register, historic districts, Historic Resource <br />Commission approvals, and demolition policy. <br />PUBLISHED IN THE REGISTER: May 24, 2002 <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Recommend fhaf the City Council adopt an ordinance approving Ordinance <br />Amendment No. 2002-85. <br />HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES 2 August 1, 2002 <br />