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Commissioner Gartner commented that circumstances and commitments do arise; that he <br />Commissioner Gartner commented that circumstances and commitments do arise; that he <br />believed all of the Commissioners took their responsibilities seriously; and he believed <br />advance notice of an absence was a reasonable request. <br />Commissioner Brenes agreed that circumstances would arise and that advance notice <br />should be given if a Commissioner was going to be absent. <br />Madam Chair Kings commented that the absences were not excused recently to make a <br />statement; and requested that the Commissioners make every effort to attend the meeting <br />and if a member was unable to attend, to please notify staff of the absence in advance. <br />' D. Discussion of policies concerning eliminating the use of aluminum windows on historic <br />buildings. <br />Mr. Edwards indicated that Commissioner Cribb had expressed concerns regarding <br />aluminum windows on historic buildings. He informed the Commission, that owners of <br />historic buildings, that were placed on the Register, required Commission approval for <br />window change-outs. However, structures in certain districts, that were not historic <br />structures, required review and approval of the Planning Commission; while all other <br />window change-outs required a permit. He further suggested that Commissioner Cribb, <br />as the Planning Commission representative, could apprise the Planning Commission of <br />the Commissions concerns regarding aluminum windows or the Commission as a body <br />could express their concerns to the Planning Commission formally in writing. <br />The Commissioners requested staff to formally prepare a memo to the Planning <br />Commission expressing their concerns regarding aluminum windows on structures. <br />E. Discussion of outside funding opportunities and becoming a Certified Local <br />Government. <br />Ms. Maya DeRosa, Senior Planner, discussed with the Commission the benefits, <br />' criteria, process, and funding issues of becoming a Certified Local Government. In <br />addition, she informed the Commission that an annual report would be required to the <br />State and if the City became certified it would help elevate the status and be more <br />respected. <br />F. Discussion of Incentives Program for historic property owners. <br />Ms. Hally Cappiello, Assistant Planner II, discussed with the Commission Federal Tax <br />incentives, flex zoning, overlay zoning, fee issues, and the benefits and constraints of <br />such incentives for property owners of structures on the Register. In addition, she <br />displayed a matrix of incentives used by other local cities and staff's recommendations <br />for the incentives. <br />Several Commissioners requested a study of what other cities' successes and pitfalls <br />were such as Pasadena, Escondido, and Brea; requested information concerning flexible <br />zoning; and a possible certificate program for recognition to property owners. <br />Mr. Edwards informed the Commission that staff would contact the other cities as <br />requested; that the Commission could reach a consensus and inform the Planning <br />Commission of their vision regarding zoning concerns; and staff would perform <br />' research regarding a certificate program. <br />G. Update regarding the Richard Neutra Building, Orange County Courthouse. <br />Ms. Lucy Linnaus, Assistant Planner I, provided an overview of the Orange County <br />Courthouse; indicated that Richard Neutra was the project Architect of the building, <br />and discussed the criteria for the structure to be placed on the Register. <br />The Commission was supportive of placing the structure on the Register and requested staff <br />initiate the process. <br />Public Hearings <br />2 <br />