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1. HISTORIC REGISTER CATEGORIZATION NO. 00-151(HROUGH 00-24 <br />To place various historic structures listed on the Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties <br />within established categories. <br /> <br />LEGALLY NOTICED: <br />PUBLICLY NOTICED: <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />September 24, 2000 <br />September 25, 2000 <br />Adopt a resolution approving the categorizations of the following historic structures. <br />Name of Historic Structure Address Recommended Category <br />Minter House 322 West Third Street Landmark <br /> <br />Otis Buildin 101 West Fourth Street Ke <br />Rutan House 932 North French Street Ke <br />Ma lin A artments 925 North Lac Street Ke <br />Hill-Rawls House 1101 North French Street Ke <br />Hickox Home 1218 North French Street Ke <br /> <br />Fashion Saloon 221 & 223 West Fourth Street Contributive <br />Gowd House 831 North French Street Contributive <br />Bullard House 710 North S ur eon Street Contributive <br />Isaacson House 1201 North Bush Street Contributive <br /> <br />Ms. Linnaus presented the staff report, provided an overview of the structures being placed in <br />specific categories on the Register, and staff recommendation. <br />Several Commissioners noted corrections on the property templates. <br />Commissioner Brenes asked staff if the property owners were notified of the hearing. <br />Ms. Linnaus indicated that the property owners were notified of the hearing. <br />Madam Chair Kings opened the public hearing at 6:03 p.m. <br />Ms. Ann Andres, owner of Minter House, commented that she was unaware of the <br />incentive discussion that took place earlier in the meeting; commented that it was <br />important to focus on economic incentives, she enoouraged reducing building fees; <br />commented that flexible zoning was important, recommended creating a husiness tax <br />break for owners that transformed their home into a business, commented that the <br />Civic Center Commission was responsible for maintaining the grounds of the Orange <br />County Courthouse, and requested clarifications regarding the different category <br />restrictions. <br />Madam Chair Kings closed the public hearing at 6:10 p.m. <br /> <br />Ms. Cindy Nelson, Deputy City Manager, commented that she would have staff clarify <br />with Ms. Andres the category restrictions. <br />Madam Chair Kings commented regarding the architectural analysis, commented that <br />she had met with staff and she thought staff would be using specific books for their <br />evaluations which had not occurred. She provided cpmments regarding specific terms <br />used relating to the architectural period and indicated that she supported staff's <br />recommendations for the categories. However, she wished to continue the matter in <br />order to allow additional time to review the researched templates for categorization. <br />Motion to continue Historic Register Categorization MO. 00-15 through No. 00-24 to <br />November 9, 2000. <br />3 <br />