shall be to City specifications and details. Repairs to irrigation heads shall
<br />be with matching precipitation nozzles. Contractor shall ensure that
<br />excessive over spray/runoff into street right-of-ways or other areas not
<br />intended to receive irrigation is controlled. The Contractor shall repair at
<br />his own expense any irrigation head and lateral line rendered inoperable or
<br />malfunctioning due to attrition, vandalism, etc.
<br />(2) Contractor shall perform a visual inspection of all irrigated areas once per
<br />week. All areas receiving marginal coverage shall receive supplemental
<br />irrigation by being irrigated by a portable irrigation method. The
<br />contractor shall furnish all portable hoses, nozzles, sprinklers, etc.,
<br />necessary to accomplish this additional irrigation. Care shall be exercised
<br />to prevent a waste of water, erosion, and/or detrimental seepage into
<br />existing underground improvements or structures.
<br />e) Repairs
<br />The Contractor shall be responsible for repairs to all irrigation heads, swing
<br />joints and lateral lines as a part of this agreement. The Director will be
<br />responsible for repairs to the irrigation system from the valve to the water meter.
<br />9. Hardscape Maintenance
<br />a) All paved areas, including but not limited to paved parking lots, curb gutters,
<br />pool decks, stamped or other enriched hard surface areas, shall be thoroughly
<br />cleaned once every other week between Monday and Friday. Vacuums,
<br />blowers, sweepers or other approved equipment may be used to clean hardscape
<br />areas. Debris shall not be blown or swept onto adjacent streets or property. All
<br />debris must be picked up by the Contractor and removed from the site. Debris
<br />and litter that shall be cleaned includes, but is not limited to, leaves, twigs,
<br />branches, trash, sand gravel, and worn asphalt. The City shall approve any
<br />equipment that is to be used for cleaning hardscape.
<br />b) Picnic facilities and park benches, including but not limited to picnic tables,
<br />barbecues, benches, concrete pads and shelters shall be continuously maintained
<br />in a safe and clean condition.
<br />c) Pavement cleaning - Contractor shall perform pressure washing quarterly
<br />(second week of January, April, July and October) to remove dirt, stains, gum,
<br />tar, etc. from all paved pedestrian surfaces including sport courts, sidewalks,
<br />picnic pads, paved areas around buildings, pedestrian crosswalks in streets that
<br />are concrete or pavers, etc.
<br />d) Site amenity cleaning - Contractor shall perform pressure washing of site
<br />amenities, such as but not limited to, picnic tables, park benches, skate park,
<br />walls, planters, raised curbing, railing, exterior of buildings, overhead shelters,
<br />etc.
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<br />19C-27