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6. The presence of any structural weakness, disease conditions, decayed trunk or branches, split crotches <br />or branches, should be reported in writing to a City supervisor and corrective measures recommended. <br />When pruning/trimming back trees, the contractor shall make all trees shapely and typical of their species. <br />(Under no circumstances shall central leader trees have their central leader removed without written <br />consent from the Superintendent of Parks or his approved representative.) <br />TREE AND STUMP REMOVAL STANDARDS <br />Trees identified for removal are to be cut back and lowered to the ground in sections. Sections shall be <br />no larger than can be safely controlled. Extreme care must be taken to prevent unsafe working or other <br />hazardous conditions to individuals, landscape, structures, or obstacles. <br />2. Trees shall not be stump cut and felled. <br />3. Tree stumps not designated for removal shall be cut flush with the ground. <br />4. Tree stumps to be removed shall be completely ground to a minimum of twelve inches (12") below soil <br />surface. All surface roots within this zone shall also be removed by grinding. <br />5. All excavation as a result of this process shall be backfilled exactly level with surrounding soil, completed <br />and fine graded. <br />6. Excess debris, trimmings, branches and wood shall be removed from the work site and shall follow as <br />closely as possible to the removal operation. <br />7. All areas shall be left clean and free of debris at the close of each day's operation. Work shall not start <br />before 8:00 a.m. or continue past 6:00 p.m. No work is to be scheduled on weekends or national <br />holidays. <br />8. All debris shall be properly disposed of off site and at the contractor's expense. <br />