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<br />Proposed Staff <br />Hillis proposing a team of seasoned professionals to provide the City of Santa Ana with the confidence that it will <br />receive the expert construction management, resident engineering, and inspection services required to make <br />the First Street Bridge Replacement a successful project. The key personnel on our proposed team includes Sean <br />Rouhani, PE as your construction manager/resident engineer, and Jose Burbano, EIT as construction inspector. <br />These two key personnel shall be supported, as-needed or required, by a team of specialty support staff. These <br />support staff consist of specialty inspectors, office engineers, project controls/schedulers, and public relations/ <br />outreach. All of our proposed positions are shown on the Organization Chart below, resumes are presented in <br />the appendix, and a chart showing relevant qualifications is provided on the following page. <br />Key Personnel <br />Sean Rouhanl, PE-Construction Manager/Resident Engineer (RE). Mr. Rouhani has more than 28 years <br />of program management, project management, construction management, and resident engineering <br />experience in interchanges, freeways, structures, grade separations, railroads, highways, roadways, <br />and structures construction in flood control channels/waterways, including seven years with Caltrans' <br />Division of Structures. He gained his experience working for local cities, counties, departments of <br />transportation, and transportation authorities. <br />He has been a construction manager/RE on over Organization Chart s <br />$800 million in projects for roadway widening, <br />road reconstruction, road realignment, channel <br />reconstruction, bridge widening, and widening i <br />construction over and in flood control channels. <br />Jose Burbano, EIT-Construction Inspector. Mr. Michael Tahan, Principal (NIL) <br />Burbano is a civil engineer with more than 12 years zouheirSafeh, PE (HIL) <br />of construction management experience working Timothy T. Wassit, PE (H II.) <br />d with bridge and roadway projects, including work CONSTRUCTION as an assistant resident engineer on Caltrans and Sean Rouhani, PE (H)L) MANAGER/RE <br />other public works transportation projects. His <br />I? structures inspection experience includes bridge CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR <br />construction in flood control channels, precast/ <br />prestressed girders, bridges, retaining walls, box Jose Burbano, EIT (HIL) <br />culverts, CIDH piles, shoring and excavations, cast- <br />in-place post-tensioned concrete box girders, and OFFICE ENGINEER <br />steel structure bridges. As a roadway inspector Kofi Baryeh, PE (DCI) (DBE) <br />he has worked on roadway paving, drainage, Lan Weber, Ph.D., PE (WRC) (UDBE) <br />traffic signal,. and electrical systems, as well as <br />implementing SWPPP/WPCP and safety measures. RESOURCE TEAM (AS-NEEDED SUPPORT) <br />Both Mr. Rouhani and Mr. Burbano have worked DennisMcCollum(NIL) Tony Chu,EIT(NIL) <br />Construction Inspector Structures/Roadway <br />on a number of similar projects that have included JaWerGuzman (NIL) Inspector <br />work in flood control channels. They understand construction Inspector Jim Landfried, EIT(HIL) <br />the key requirements and ramifications of working Gabriel Flores (NIL} Office Engineer <br />within such an environment and accounting for Electrical Inspector Philip Law, PE(NIL) <br />LLEGEND,, I I (NIL) CPM Scheduler <br />wet and dry conditions. They have also worked Dion Castro, REA <br />NIII SWPPP Inspector Vanessa Barrientos(NIL) <br />on similar that required keeping traffic (NIL) <br />projects Diaz (DCI) -Steve Lodge (NI!) PR/Outreach <br />(vehicle and pedestrian) flowing safely through WRCPRC) Public Safety Officer <br />construction zones and maintaining safe detours. <br />City of Santa Ana I Public Works Agency Page 2 <br />First Street Bridge Replacement I Construction Management <br />25E-38