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equipment, services, and all other things necessary for a <br /> person to install a telecommunication facility in the <br /> public right of way, including without limitation any <br /> changes requested by the City, in accordance with this <br /> Article and all applicable laws and regulations. <br />Zones Impacted by All zones <br />Ordinance <br />Nonconformance Grandfather only those facilities that were legally <br /> operating at the time of the ordinance. <br />Responsibility of Application and fee required for permit <br />Applicant <br />Permit Issuance Upon finding the project meets all the requirements <br /> established by said ordinance, a permit may be issued <br /> by Executive Director of the Public Works Agency or <br /> designee. <br />RESPONSES TO ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST <br />The following is an analysis of potential environmental impacts associated with the <br />proposed amendment to the Municipal Code to establish an ordinance to regulate <br />telecommunication facilities to be installed in the public right of way. The analysis is <br />based upon the City of Santa Ana Environmental Check List. The analysis focuses on <br />impacts associated with approval of the proposed amendment to the municipal code. <br />AESTHETICS <br />A. Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? <br />B. Damage scenic resources, including but not limited to trees, rock <br />outpourings and historic buildings within a State highway? <br />No Impact <br />Approval of the proposed amendment to the Municipal Code to establish development <br />standards and a permitting process for the installation of telecommunication devices in <br />the public right of way within the City of Santa Ana would not result in adverse impacts <br />to any scenic vista, or scenic resource because the standards are meant to uphold <br />aesthetic values. Additionally, the City of Santa Ana is not the responsible agency for <br />telecommunication facilities located on State Highways. <br />C. Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and <br />its surroundings? <br />No Impact <br />75A-26