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Establishment of development standards and a permitting process for the installation of <br />telecommunication devices in the public right of way within the City of Santa Ana would <br />not degrade the visual character of the City, in that the proposed ordinance serves to <br />create development standards that uphold visual character. If anything, the ordinance <br />would result in encouraging positive impacts to aesthetics. The ordinance would not <br />result in any new development or construction. <br />D. Create a new source of substantial light or glare, which would adversely <br />affect day or nighttime views in the area? <br />No Impact <br />The proposed amendment to development standards and a permitting process for the <br />installation of telecommunication devices in the public right of way within the City of <br />Santa Ana would not introduce any amount of new light and glare impacts, in that the <br />proposed ordinance would not have any effect on existing or potential onsite lighting. <br />The proposed ordinance prohibits illumination unless specifically required by FAA or <br />another governmental agency for security or clearance purposes. <br />II. AGRICULTURE <br />A. Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland or Farmland of Statewide <br />Importance to non-agriculture use? <br />B. Conflict with existing zoning for agriculture use or a Williamson Contract? <br />C. Involve other changes in the existing environment, which, due to their <br />location or nature, could individually or cumulatively result in loss of <br />Farmland, to non-agriculture use? <br />No Impact <br />According to the California Department of Conservation Farmland Mapping and <br />Monitoring Program, the City of Santa Ana contains a limited amount of Prime and <br />Unique Farmlands. Approval of the proposed amendment to the Municipal Code to <br />development standards and a permitting process for the installation of <br />telecommunication devices in the public right of way within the City of Santa Ana would <br />not result in impacts to agriculture resources. <br />III. AIR QUALITY <br />A. Conflict with or obstruct implementation of applicable Air Quality <br />Attainment Plan or congestion Management Plan? <br />No Impact <br />The City of Santa Ana is included within the South Coast Air Quality Management <br />District and subject to the requirements of the Clean Air Act at both the Federal and <br />75A-27