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that would discharge pollutants into sensitive downstream marine resources as it <br />involves no construction activity. <br />VIII. LAND USE/PLANNING <br />A. Physically divide an established community? <br />No Impact <br />The proposed amendment to the Municipal Code to establish development standards <br />and a permitting process for the installation of telecommunication devices in the public <br />right of way within the City of Santa Ana would provide location criteria and design <br />standards to ensure that telecommunication facilities installed in the right of way would <br />not encroach into private property boundaries. No adverse land use impacts would be <br />associated with the approval of the proposed ordinance. <br />B. Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation of an <br />agency with jurisdiction over the project adopted for the purpose of <br />avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? <br />No Impact <br />The proposed project would amend the City's Municipal Code by establishing an <br />ordinance that provides criteria for the location and development of telecommunication <br />facilities installed in the right of way in the City of Santa Ana. Approval of the proposed <br />ordinance would not be in conflict with any portion of the City's General Plan or any <br />other relevant planning program in the City. <br />C. Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural <br />community plan? <br />No Impact <br />According to the City's General Plan Land Use Element EIR, there are no habitat <br />conservation plans or natural community conservation plans established within the City <br />of Santa Ana. Therefore, approval of the proposed ordinance would not be in conflict <br />with any habitat conservation or natural community conservation plan. <br />IX. MINERAL RESOURCES <br />A. Result in the loss of availability of a locally important mineral resource <br />recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan or other land <br />use plan? <br />75A-35