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PHA Name: Housing Authority of the City of Santa Ana 5 -Year Plan for Fiscal Years: 2005 - 2009 <br />HA Code: CA -093 <br />❑ Demolish or dispose of obsolete public housing: <br />❑ Provide replacement public housing: <br />• Provide replacement vouchers: <br />• Other: SARA will implement automated rent reasonableness program. <br />X PHA Goal: Increase assisted housing choices <br />Objectives: <br />X Provide voucher mobility counseling: Funding permitting, SARA will continue <br />to provide mobility counseling to 100% of participants. <br />X Conduct outreach efforts to potential voucher Iandlords: SARA will continue to <br />recruit new owners via outreach and participation with the Orange County <br />Apartment Owners Association. <br />❑ Increase voucher payment standards <br />X Implement voucher homeownership program: Program has been developed, <br />however, it has not been implemented due to funding gaps between voucher funds <br />and home prices in local housing market. <br />❑ Implement public housing or other homeownership programs: <br />❑ Implement public housing site -based waiting lists: <br />❑ Convert public housing to vouchers: <br />❑ Other: (list below) <br />HUD Strategic Goal: Improve community quality of life and economic vitality <br />X PHA Goal: Provide an improved living environment <br />Objectives: <br />❑ Implement measures to deconcentrate poverty by bringing higher income public <br />housing households into lower income developments: <br />❑ Implement measures to promote income mixing in public housing by assuring <br />access for lower income families into higher income developments: <br />❑ Implement public housing security improvements: <br />❑ Designate developments or buildings for particular resident groups (elderly, <br />persons with disabilities) <br />X Other. SARA will continue efforts to link HCV participants with their local <br />neighborhood associations via briefings and informational mailings. <br />HUD Strategic Goal: Promote self - sufficiency and asset development of families and <br />individuals <br />X PHA Goal: Promote self-sufficiency and asset development of assisted households <br />Objectives: <br />• Increase the number and percentage of employed persons in assisted families. <br />• Provide or attract supportive services to improve assistance recipients' <br />employability: SARA will provide presentations by the Santa. Ana W/O/R/K <br />Center on job training and placement services. <br />X Provide or attract supportive services to increase independence for the elderly or <br />families with disabilities. SARA will continue to provide information and <br />Exhibit 1 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />