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❖ For unpainted concrete walls, try to obtain the owner's permission <br />before painting. If the graffiti must be abated by water blasting, be sure <br />to use the absorbent sock to meet NPDES requirements. Spray the <br />graffiti with the Cornerstone chemical, stroke with the stiff bristle brush, <br />then water blast. Be sure that the water recovery system is followed and <br />in place. <br />❖ For sidewalks follow the procedures for sidewalk graffiti abatement. <br />3. Satellite Cameras <br />❖ The satellite cameras are to be used to take pictures of each removal <br />done while in the field. Take the picture prior to the actual removal. <br />Only the "' yellow take picture button and the <br />add %mc are to be used by the PWA Abatement Team <br />personnel. <br />❖ If a feature of the camera requires a change on anything other than <br />the three buttons above, turn a request into the Crew Leader or <br />Supervisor to handle. Abatement team staff is not authorized to <br />change any settings on the camera. <br />4. Safety <br />❖ Each team member is responsible for all aspects of safety. <br />❖ Personal safety gear must be worn while abating graffiti. <br />❖ Use safety precautions while working around pedestrians. <br />❖ Safety procedures must be followed for all street traffic. <br />s <br />