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NS-2816 - Adopting Guidelines for Telecommunications Facilities in the Public Right of Way
2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)
2011 (NS-2813 - NS-2825)
NS-2816 - Adopting Guidelines for Telecommunications Facilities in the Public Right of Way
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1/3/2012 12:59:57 PM
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4/20/2011 8:53:12 AM
City Clerk
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NS-2954 - Repealing and Reenacting In Its Entirety Article X of Chapter 33 of Santa Ana Municipal Code Regarding Telecommunications Facilities in Public Right-of-Way
(Amended By)
\Ordinances\2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)\2018 (NS-2935 - NS-2962)
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lss2/25/11 <br />(k) "Shared use" means a site or facility where a wireless provider shares a <br />telecommunications facility with an existing structure, such as a street light or utility pole <br />or a similar replacement of an existing structure. <br />(1) "Significant Gap" means a gap in the telecommunications signal, <br />including geographic coverage, interference and capacity issues resulting in the <br />inability of telecommunications users to reliably place, maintain or receive calls. <br />(m) "Support structure" means a freestanding structure designed and <br />constructed to solely support an antenna array and that may consist of a monopole, <br />a self-supporting lattice tower, a guy-wire support tower, or other similar structure. <br />(n) "Telecommunication Facility" means and includes any wire or line, <br />antenna, pipeline, pipe, duct, conduit, converter, cabinet, pedestal, meter, tunnel, vault, <br />equipment, drain, manhole, splice box, surface location marker, pole, structure, utility, or <br />other appurtenance, property, or tangible thing used to provide telecommunications <br />and/or video services to the public. <br />(o) "Work" means all labor, materials, equipment, services, and all other <br />things necessary for a person to install a telecommunication facility in the public right of <br />way, including without limitation any changes requested by the City, in accordance with <br />this Article and all applicable laws and regulations. <br />Sec. 33-232. Siting Preferences <br />Whenever possible telecommunication facilities shall be located on feasible sites <br />outside of and non-adjacent to property zoned or used for residential purposes. To the <br />extent possible, telecommunications facilities shall be located outside the public right-of- <br />way. If an alternative site analysis indicates the only feasible site is in the right-of-way <br />within one hundred forty feet (140) of property zoned or used for residential purposes, <br />placement may be approved on arterial streets. If facility must be sited on a local street <br />to fill a significant gap, placement may only be allowed on an existing street light or <br />utility pole, or a replacement pole located at the same site. For purposes of this section, <br />feasible sites are sites that 1) are not encumbered by deed restrictions or other legal <br />impediments that prohibit the installation of telecommunication facilities; 2) are owned or <br />controlled by an entity that is willing to allow the use of the proposed site for a <br />telecommunication facility installation; 3) include existing structures (such as street <br />lights and utility poles) upon which telecommunication facilities can be mounted; 4) <br />require no new permanent disruptions (i.e. access roads, retaining walls, etc.) that do <br />not primarily serve the primary use; and 5) where the proposed telecommunication <br />facility, including accessory cabinets, can be designed, treated or screened in an <br />aesthetic manner that is in keeping with the surrounding area. <br />Ordinance NS-2816 <br />Page 5 of 16
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