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NS-2816 - Adopting Guidelines for Telecommunications Facilities in the Public Right of Way
2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)
2011 (NS-2813 - NS-2825)
NS-2816 - Adopting Guidelines for Telecommunications Facilities in the Public Right of Way
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1/3/2012 12:59:57 PM
Creation date
4/20/2011 8:53:12 AM
City Clerk
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NS-2954 - Repealing and Reenacting In Its Entirety Article X of Chapter 33 of Santa Ana Municipal Code Regarding Telecommunications Facilities in Public Right-of-Way
(Amended By)
\Ordinances\2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)\2018 (NS-2935 - NS-2962)
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Sec. 33-233. Prohibited on roadway of public street <br />No person shall install, use or maintain any telecommunication facility in such a manner <br />that it impedes travel on the right-of-way, nor shall such installation violate siting <br />regulations imposed by the California Public Utilities Commission. <br />Sec. 33-234. Dangerous condition or obstruction <br />No person shall install, use or maintain any telecommunication facility which in whole or <br />in part rests upon, in or over any public sidewalk or parkway, when such installation, <br />use or maintenance endangers or is reasonably likely to endanger the safety of persons <br />or property, or when such telecommunication facility unreasonably interferes with or <br />impedes the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic including any legally parked or <br />stopped vehicle, the ingress or egress from any residence or place of business, the use <br />of poles, posts, traffic signs or signals, hydrants, mailboxes, permitted sidewalk dining, <br />permitted street furniture or other objects permitted at or near said location. <br />Sec. 33-235. Permit Required. <br />No person shall install or maintain any telecommunication facility which in whole or in <br />part rests upon the public right of way without first obtaining a permit from the Director <br />under this Chapter. <br />Sec. 33-236. Application Required. <br />Before a permit is issued, a written application must be filed with the Agency on a form <br />approved by the Director. The application shall contain the following: <br />1. The name, address and telephone number of both the applicant and the owner <br />of the telecommunication facility; <br />2. The name, address and telephone number of the responsible person whom the <br />City may contact at any time concerning the telecommunication facility; <br />3. The applicant shall show legal authority to occupy and use for the purpose <br />mentioned in the application, the streets, alleys, sidewalks or other public <br />places where the excavation, placement, location or installation of <br />telecommunication facilities is proposed to be made; <br />4. A site plan to scale, elevation drawings, before installation photographs <br />showing the exact location of the proposed telecommunication facility <br />(including a description of the location in a format compatible with the City's <br />geographic information system database), including other improvements in <br />the project area, renderings and/or photo simulations of the installed <br />telecommunication facility with appurtenances including power meter boxes <br />and surrounding landscaping elements; <br />5. At the request of the Director, a photograph and model number of the <br />telecommunication facility being proposed; <br />Ordinance NS-2816 <br />Page 6 of 16
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