PHA Plan Update
<br /> {a) Identify all PISA Plan elements that have heart t~vised by the PHA since i€s last Annual Plan submission:
<br /> Eligibility and Selection from Wait List- na changes. Financial Resources-Received funding for additional ] OQ vouchers (NED)
<br /> Rent Determination - no changes. Operations and Management-Approved EiV Security Policy and Procedures
<br />G.0 Grievance Procedures -no changes. Designated Elderly and Disabled Housing -- NJA
<br /> Community Service -NIA Safety and Crime Prevention -NIA
<br /> Pets -NIA Civil Rights Certiftcation- No change -full compliance.
<br /> Fiscal'YearAudit-Noehange,nofindings. Asset Management-NIA
<br /> Violence Against Women Aet- no changes.
<br /> (b) Identify the specilic loco#ion(s) where the public may obtain copies of the 5-Year and Annual PISA P€an. For a complete list o€PHA
<br /> Plan elements, see Section 6.0 ofthe instructions.
<br /> Main PHA Busi:rase Office: Santa Ana City Hall, 20 Civic Center Plaza, 2nB Ploor, Santa Ana, CA 92702
<br /> fTope @I, iYlixed Tinance Modernization or Development, Ilemeiition and/or Dlsposifion, Conversion ofPublle Housing, Homeownership
<br /> Programs, and Project-based Vouchers. Include stat¢menis related to these programs as appircabla.
<br />,10 Housing Choice Voucher (I-TCV) homeownership (applying HAP and TTP to mortgage instead of rant) is passible, but funding gag exists between
<br /> available resoueces and local far-sale housing market,
<br /> SAHA will evaluate annually the number of HCV that can he made oval€abie for project-based assistance within its jurisdiction ofthe City ofSanta
<br /> Ana. This will assist with the jurisdiction's affordable housing needs supported by the SAHA Adminisirativc Pian and the Consolidated Plan for
<br /> the City of Santa Ana.
<br />8.0 Capital Impresvements. Please complete Parts S.l through 8.3, as applicable. N ! A
<br />8 i Capital fund Program Annual StatementlPerformanceond Evaluation itepvrt. As part ofthe PI-IA 5-Year and Annual Plan, annually
<br />°
<br /> tmd Program Annual Statement/Petfarntunce arrd Evaluation Report, farm MUD-50075,1, for each current and
<br />complete and submit the Capital !
<br /> open CFI' grant and CFFP financing.
<br />$ 2 Capital Fund Program ]live-Year Action Plan. As part of the submission of the Annual Plan, PHAs must complete and submit the Capital Fund
<br /> Program Five-fear Action Plan, form HUD-50075.2, and subsequent atrnual updates (on a roiling basis, e.g., drop current year, and add latest year
<br /> fior a five year period), large capital items must be included in the Five-Year Action Plan.
<br />8~ Capital Fvnd k'~nancing Program {CFFP).
<br /> © Check if the PHA proposes to use any portion of its Capital Fund Program (CFP}IReplacement Flousing Factor (RHF) to repay debt incurred to
<br /> finance capital itnprovements_
<br /> Housing Needs. Based on information provided by the applicable Consolidated Plan, information provided by HUD, and other generally available
<br /> data, make a reasonable efFart to identify the housing needs of the low-income, very low-income, and extremely low-income families who reside in
<br /> the jurisdiction served by the PFIA, including elderly families, families with disabilities, and households of various races and ethnic groups, and
<br /> other families who are on the public housing and Section $ tenant-based assistance waiting lists. The identifcation of housing needs must address
<br />p,8 issues of affordability, supply, quality, accessibility, size of units, and location.
<br /> The recently-completed Housing Element ofthe General Plan has identified a shortfall between supply and demand of 12,000 large rontai units (3+
<br /> bedrooms. Whereas the majority of HCV participants {54%) and applicants {Sl °1°) only require i-bedroom units, 45% of the overall renting
<br /> population in Santa Ana have honseholds of 5 or more persons. The mast recent data on housing burden {Census 2000 data} show moderate (30~°f°
<br /> of income to housing casts) and severe overpayment {50~-% of income to housing casts) levels at; Moderate Cncome 3% moderate Q% severe, I.ow
<br /> Income 23%ond 2°10, Very Low Income bl% and I2%, and Extremely Low Income 82% and 60°!°.
<br /> 50% of elderly renters are estimated to overpay for housing. Of the 4204 on the HCV waiting list, 35% are disabled, 2l °/a are elderly, 51°fa of
<br /> households have only i or 2 members, and 59% are headed by a female head of household.
<br /> Strategy far Addressing Housing Needs. Provide a brief descrip#ion of the PHA's strategy far addressing the housing needs of families in the
<br /> jurisdiction and on the waiting list in the upcoming year. Note: Small, Seetian 8 only, and High Performing PHAs complete only for Annual
<br />9.1. Plan submission with tl-e 5-Year Pian.
<br /> SAHA will continue to maximize voucher utilization (average lease rate for CY 2010 was 106°1°), apply for now vouchers when they are made
<br /> available, and continue to investigate fraudulent activity to maintain the program's integrity. Given the stow nataral turnover of vouchers, fire
<br /> focus wiEl be on issuing a voucher within 30 days of it becoming available to the next applicant on the waiting list.
<br /> Additional Information. Describe the following, as well as any additional information HUD has requested.
<br />10.8 {a} Progress in Meeting Mission and Goals. Provide a brief statement of the PHA's progress in meeting the mission and goals described in the 5-
<br /> YearPlan.
<br /> See Section 5.2 above.
<br /> {b) Significant Amendment and Substantial Deviation/Modiftcatien. Provide the PHA's defin'stian of "significant amendment" and `"substantial
<br /> deviatiou/modifieation"
<br /> Any change via regulation, interpretation, or other guidance that rneasurably changes the administration ofthe i-1GV
<br /> Program. Also, any proposed change in the scope of the HCV program {e.g. project-based, homeownership).
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