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???? 94661??311 <br />AP?'s1VUP18fdI TO JCIfv1' E;iE1;CiS6; Of` PCfdLRS AG1+.F,Ei1'oNT <br />BL"fir'EEN TIl'E CITY Cf St?N'l'A Als'A A19D TIIE COUNTY UT O;iANGE <br />CREATING I'HE QfiAP1GE CCUiYiY CIVIC CE1vTER AU'iIICRITY <br />TI1IS AGREE4R;hI, dated £or convenience as o£ ? a <br />1.970, is hetwscn the CITY C?' SANTA IiNA, a municipal orporatio?; duly <br />organized and existing under the Iar!s o£ the State of California, here- <br />inafter called the "City", and the CCUN?i"P OF OI?NGE, a subdivision of <br />the State o£ California, hereinafter calf?ed the "County'; <br />WfiBItGAS, the City and County have heretofore entered into a Joint <br />Exercise of Potaers Agreemznt dated dznuary 11, 1966 £or the purpose of <br />eetabli? a comprehensive civic center in tho City o£ Santa Ana; and <br />{Jff6REAS, parties desire to amand said Agreement as set forth herei <br />and <br />WHEII7,AS, pursuant to said Agreement, the County has proviously <br />conatruct?;d a Courtl7rnase within the civic center; and ? <br />i <br />WhEiuiAS, Cf,a City prescntl.y desires to construot a City Hall; and ?t <br />W'ffEGF,P,S, it is considared desirable that the City Hall be j <br />constructed on a portion o£ the land nhich had previously been sek aside <br />for ti:e ronstructi.on of tiie Courthouse but is noE Headed for the '• <br />oparation of said Courthousn; and ? <br />I <br />WHUR3AS, both parties agree thaC the real property previoasi.y sa <br />aside for the Courthouse site is noC essential to the operation of the <br />I <br />Courthouse; and <br />W}IGREAS, City dosires to Cransfer Co County its interest i.n a <br />panel of land of the same size as is n.eded by City fnr City }lall; <br />NG{d, 't'HCREFO&B, T11E FARTIES llr",Rr,T(I AG)tEB AS FOLlGG1S; <br />1, County does herehy agree to recom?ey tha following described <br />property to the Orange County Civic Center Authcrity and don further <br />a?.itlrorize the Authority to lease said land to the City of Santa Ana <br />and ccnsanC to the uss of said pro?r?erty for a City Hall by the City o£ <br />Santa Ana,