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Parcel No, 2, <br />+? 9466??312 <br />Aii tb.?,t fa?rtain 'Lund in the City of Santa hna, Co??nty oP Orangt+, State <br />of California, being a portl.aa of 3ixtai Street as ahandeuod par <br />P,esolution 69.27 by the Santa Ana City Coasutl, roeonled in Book 8818, <br />page bn9 of Oifioial P.ecords, and e pattic?n Uf tin; lar?b cesvey??i to the <br />County of Orange per died reoardzd in Boolt 18]9, page 604, in tht office <br />of the County Recordor of said County, and more particularly described <br />as follows; <br />Bfginning ai thz oouthfast corner of said land conveyed to the <br />County of Ozdnge; thence Southerly along the Southerly extension <br />of the Easterly ; of said land 30,00 feet Co the center lane <br />of Sixth Street as abandoned by said Resolution 69.21; Chance <br />Westerly along said line of Sixth Street 60,00 feet; <br />thence Clorthrrly parallni with said Easterly lino, and its <br />Southerly fztznsicn 147.D0 ffft; thence Easterly parallfl wit?n <br />said center line of Sixth Street, 60,00 feet to said Easterly <br />line; thence. Southerly 111.00 Peet to the poinC of beginning. <br />2. County does further agrae, aC the Cnrmination of the Agxzfinenl' <br />r?ihinh pursuant to its Cfrms is withi;? a p^riod of fifty yearn iroro the <br />date hereof or s,hen all revenue bonds issued pursuant to said AgrffinenC <br />shall have been paid in full, whiehaver is Earlier, that as part of the <br />dissolution of Authority, .Authority shall transfer to Chz City of San; <br />Ana all right, titl.o and intarest in Yarce?. tJo. 7 as set forth abo',?a in <br />Paragraph i, in thf sane manner that othor property of the City will be <br />trfdteU uii dib?uiGiiun, <br />3. City agrees to assign its interfsl in the following property <br />to the County of Orange and does furthar agrfe that its right to receive <br />the titlf to said property pursuant w Section 6 of that certain <br />Agreement by and 6ehuezn the parties dated January 11, 1966 is hereby <br />given Co thf County of Orange. <br />Parcel Na, 1. <br />All that Certain land in the City of Banta Aru;, Ccnnty of Orange, BtatD <br />of California, being a portion of the land ronveyed to the Orange Count}' <br />Civic Center Authority per deed rerordzd in Book ]918, page 15 of <br />Official Rocords, in tha office of the County Rfcorder of said County, <br />and morf particularly described as follows; <br />Commaucing at the Northeast cornfr of Chat certain land <br />described ir. the goad to the County of Orangf as recorded <br />in Book 1879, Pace 504 of. Official R.fcords of said County; <br />thence Southerly along tha Easterly lint of said lard <br />239.00 feat to tha tcua point of beginning; thence <br />continuing Southerly aiong said Eastarly line 126.00 feet; <br />Chance Easterly aC right angles to the loot mentioned course <br />to a line para11z1 n?ith and 10.00 feat Easterly, uaasured at <br />right anglas, from the Easterly line of said land; khonce